Category: science and spirituality

  • The Renaissances of History Have Been Both Spiritual and Scientific

    Physics Always Accompanies Conscious Thought in the Subatomic World, and the Occupy Movement, Right Now, All Over the World, Is Causing Chain Reactions in the Orbits of Reality

    by Dr. Landau Lawrence, M.D.

    There come times, even in the droughts of the worst rebellions ever to unfold, that the Creator loans His eyes and ears and heart to sinners lost in their own sadness madness. Ironies on fallen worlds are many, including that the innocent seem to suffer the most and that prophets and saviors sent into the world receive the worst of blame by the worst of the perpetrators. (more…)

  • Vitreous opacity vs. nervous system

    Do eye floaters arise from the visual nervous system?

    By Floco Tausin

    For centuries, scholars have found different explanation for eye floaters, the mobile, scattered and transparent spheres and strings in our visual field. Early on, the origin was thought to be in the eye and the phenomenon was considered a disorder or degeneration somewhere between pupil and retina (Plange 1990). Today, eye floaters are believed to be an opacity of the vitreous. However, careful observation of floaters reveals regular structures that call the degeneration thesis into question. These structures strikingly resemble the morphological and functional structures of receptive fields of the visual nervous system. Thus the hypothesis of this article: so-called “idiopathic” (harmless) eye floaters are a visible expression of neuronal processes. (more…)

  • In-depth observations on eye floaters – a challenge to ophthalmology

    By Floco Tausin

    For centuries, scholars try to find an explanation for the mobile, scattered and transparent spheres and strings in our visual field. Early on in ophthalmological tradition, the origin was thought to be in the eye. The phenomenon was considered a disorder or degeneration somewhere between cornea and retina. Today, eye floaters are believed to be an opacity of the vitreous. However, careful observation of floaters reveals properties that challenge this dominant view and call for a reconsideration of the ophthalmological explanation.  (more…)

  • Scientists and the Paranormal

    Plenty of people report paranormal experiences, but when those accounts come from prominent members of the scientific community might they be even more significant? Scientists are trained to be objective, and those that reach the top of their profession have had their objectivity endorsed by their peers.

    Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, founder of Jungian analysis and originator of the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator, had several paranormal experiences. (more…)

  • Is Heaven a Fairy Story?

    In an interview with the Guardian eminent physicist Professor Stephen Hawking, author of The Grand Design and the classic A Brief History of Time provocatively dismissed the possibility of an afterlife as a “fairy story” for people afraid of death. Although brilliant in his field, Hawking is reaching beyond the remit of his expertise with this remark.

    In considering an afterlife, we must consider consciousness (for presumably it is that which survives physical death), and that is an area science knows precious little about. The idealized concepts  of heaven and hell are man-made constructs for man-made ends, but the possibility of an enduring consciousness is highly realistic. Although modern physics does place such importance upon the role (consciousness) of the observer that it is deemed impossible to make an observation without influencing that which is being observed. Thus even physics says consciousness matters. (more…)

  • We Cannot Rise to a More Spiritual World if We Only Teach our Children About Materialism

    by Philip Mereton - Author, The Heaven at the End of Science: An Argument for a New Worldview of Hope

    “[O]ne may well wonder how materialism, the doctrine that “life could be explained by sophisticated combinations of physical and chemical laws,” could so long be accepted by the majority of scientists. The reason is probably that it is an emotional necessity to exalt the problem to which one wants to devote a lifetime.”
    Eugene Wigner, Remarks on the Mind-Body Question (1961)

    Human consciousness is rising.  It is rising to the realization that there is more to this world than brute, faceless matter and impersonal scientific laws.   We know we are more than particles in motion, more than leftover stardust.  Underlying the world is a force, a power so strong that it cannot measured by the instruments of science.  It is the power that created the world; a unifying force; one Spirit.  God? (more…)

  • Body: Spirit or Machine?

    by Philip Mereton – Author, The Heaven at the End of Science: An Argument for a New Worldview of Hope

    Govinda said: “But what you call thing, is it something real, something intrinsic? Is it not only the illusion of Maya, only image and appearance? Your stone, your tree, are they real?”

    “This does not trouble me much,” said Siddhartha.  “If they are illusion, then I also am illusion and so they are always of the same nature as myself.”

    Herman Hesse, Siddhartha

    The body is a machine, right?   Richard Dawkins tells us we are nothing but survival machines, robot vehicles blindly programmed to reproduce our genes.  He must be right.

    Modern science says the physical world can ultimately be reduced to tiny particles, which must mean our bodies as well.  Who are we to question science? (more…)

  • Synchronicity, Cause and Effect

    The term Synchronicity was introduced by psychologist Carl Gustav (C.G.) to describe meaningful coincidence in his classic 1950 essay Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. Jung makes an eloquent attempt to define synchronicity as an alternative to cause and effect as a connecting principle. Jung’s theory is paralleled by the paradigm-shifting discoveries in physics of relativity and quantum mechanics which shattered the then widely held belief in a deterministic, “clockwork” universe.

    If reality is likened to an ocean, infinite in both expanse and depth, then the material universe is the surface of that ocean, and the non-physical its vast depths. Synchronicity is the observable effects of submerged activity upon the surface. This hidden activity is beyond human understanding, but we do, on occasion, glimpse its effects.

    Causality vs Probability

    In a causal/deterministic (model of) reality, cause precedes effect thus:

    cause and effect (more…)

  • Scientific Credibility for Precognition?

    Despite overwhelming statistical evidence supporting the existence of human psychic ability, gathered over decadces by numerous highly credible researchers, parapsychology has struggled to find acceptance as a mainstream science.

    The New Scientist reports that a new paper on precognition by Daryl Bem of Cornell University has been accepted by the respected Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Professor Bem’s experiments found that participants’ behavior was influenced, to a small but statistically significant degree, by events that had not yet happened.

    Bem’s paper Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect may be found online at

  • Thoughts on Infinity

    The concept of infinity is simultaneously both simple and mind-boggling.

    Infinity is the name given to an unquantifiably large value, ie a value without bounds.

    What of the physical universe we inhabit; it’s humongous for sure, but is it infinite? And is it the only universe – now? or ever? or one of many (ie a multiverse) or even an infinite number? (more…)