Category: self help

  • Dealing With Stress

    By Zoe Young at Answers in Writing

    Stress develops from how we see things; how we perceive the world around us changes how we feel.  Do you take it all in or do it one step at a time?  Do you look at all that is to be done and believe it has to happen now, that you must take care of it right away?  Are you overwhelmed by things out of your control?  Do you try to control things, thus only adding onto what you should do?  How we interact with what happens around us has a lot to do with how we feel.  (more…)

  • The Guidance That Your True Self Can Provide

    by Zoe Young at

    We all seek to know what is true.  Without knowing we may find ourselves intuitively on this quest.  Bearing down on answers, in search of the right path that will show us the way.  To find answers must we first know the questions?  Often not, for sometimes, deep within, we may feel a shift of something balancing, of something clicking into place.  This kind of knowing is possible without even understanding it.  It is truth righting itself within us. (more…)

  • Mind Weeds Will Strip You of Your Dreams

    By Lisa Whatley – – © 2011

    Many years ago when I first began my search for truth – before I knew that we are the creator of our lives – I sought advice from psychics; seeking what my future would hold, hoping they would give me a glimpse at some sort of fantasy life, perhaps wave a magic wand and create a deliciously new life for me; a life that I myself hadn’t even had time to envision!  (more…)

  • How To Let Go of Grief

    By Zoe Young at

    When we are faced with the moment of losing something, whether it be a job, loved one, or a way of being, it can act as a catalyst of reversion.  Leading us on a path away from ourselves.  It is almost as if in order to deal with it we must lose ourselves as well.  To be present is harder than letting go of the situation and falling into what overwhelms us.  To see ourselves clearly in these moments helps to exist with what is happening.  By letting go of ourselves we lose the hold of not only of our own reality but of what is true.  It is almost as if we prefer to hide in the moment that most scares us, than see it for what it is so that we can move on.  This does make sense, for to admit that we have lost something means that it has really happened.  But admitting it is often the first step of recovery into the present, it is allows us to come back to our life.  To dwell too deeply without acceptance holds nothing more than a quicker exit from the truth. (more…)

  • Seeing Past The Illusion Of Fear

    by Zoe Young at

    Whether you realize it or not, a lot of our actions and reactions are based upon fear.  For we believe what has happened will happen again.  We let our imaginations run wild with the possibilities, whether harmful or not.  We see the world through eyes connected to our past, for we can not imagine a future unrelated to something we haven’t experienced, if it has happened before, it will happen again.  But life doesn’t work this way, there is no pattern of repetition except in our minds.  We even see something as the same even though it is unrelatable.  We like to connect, even if it’s bad.  We will then feel more comfortable, for we have already experienced this and we can feel safe because it makes sense. (more…)

  • The Illusion of Fear

    Fear is part of our evolutionary physiology. The “fight or flight” response has helped your ancestors, back to the dawn of time, survive long enough for you to be reading this. The trouble is that while modern life doesn’t present us many life or death situations, its complexity causes the fight or flight response to kick in way more often than is good for us. If we’re not careful the result can be irrational fear, leading to problems of anxiety, stress, depression, self-doubt and ultimately paralysis of the life force that drives the fulfillment of our very purpose. (more…)

  • The New Children

    by Cinnamon Crow Dixon

    With the arrival of the Indigo children in the 1970’s, the Crystal kids in the late 1990’s and now the newly arriving Rainbow kids, (and variations such as Indigo-Crystal and Crystal-Rainbow) adolescences as most remember it is a thing of the past.  Being an Indigo Child myself, I feel it is my responsibility to help these new children remember and continue their life purpose by reminding and encouraging their psychic gifts and knowledge of the Higher Self.  I am the mother and step-mother to several Indigo-Crystal and Crystal kids.  We also have a new addition of a 20 month old Rainbow Kid.  There is never a dull moment in my house! (more…)

  • Emotional Depression: Building on Broken

    by Diana DeMar

    Emotional depression can be a debilitating and soul-crushing illness. For those of you who have suffered with it, you know that it can not only affect you emotionally, but also physically, leaving you feeling drained of energy, anxious, and plagued with chronic headaches. Some people might find themselves never wanting to leave the house; you might lose interest in the things you once enjoyed so much and find that you push away even your most beloved friends. (more…)

  • Resiliency Lessons From The Chilean Mine Triumph

    by Eileen McDargh

    A worldwide web of viewers watched 33 miners being pulled to the surface following a 600,000 ton cave-in that happened nearly one-half mile below the ground on a barren plain in southern Chile. Besides showcasing the tenacity of rescuers and the miracle of technology, the miners themselves offer dramatic lessons in resiliency that anyone can learn. (more…)

  • A Simple Strategy for Dealing with Problems

    However much you may try to avoid them, problems are a part of life, so here’s a simple strategy for dealing with them.

    When faced with a problem, ask yourself: “Is there anything I can do about this?” (more…)