By Lisa Whatley – – © 2011
Many years ago when I first began my search for truth – before I knew that we are the creator of our lives – I sought advice from psychics; seeking what my future would hold, hoping they would give me a glimpse at some sort of fantasy life, perhaps wave a magic wand and create a deliciously new life for me; a life that I myself hadn’t even had time to envision!Â
(Side Note: Psychic says: Ah yes Lisa, let’s see what we can do here: how about Mr. Millionaire rides up in his stretched limo and sweeps you … ok, ok, so I didn’t completely comprehend at the time they have no power to do this! Hmm perhaps I watched one too many Harry Potter movies? Naw, just wishful thinking. LOL)  Â
Hello?! I mean in all honesty I spent a hundred percent of my time trying to figure out how I, an unemployed, high-school drop-out, single mom was going to put food on the table for my four young children, keep a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, the heat and hydro running, where the next dollar was coming from, noses wiped, bottoms dry, bath and story times, laundry, dishes, cooking meals, house chores, yard work and a million other worries not to mention thinking about ways at preventing all the disasters that were inevitably going to strike me down!
Seriously, who has time to dream about laying pool-side, being served margaritas and getting a manicure when your mind is completely overtaken with thoughts about, oh I don’t know, how to survive in a material world when you don’t have the material you need to make it through the day!?
Manicure, yeah whatever! Back then just two minutes to myself alone would have been complete and utter bliss!
If only I knew then what I know now, I would have definitely found that two minutes of time to dream large because my life would have been filled with abundance, happiness and peace rather than stress, sorrow, pain and poverty! You see, I held a strong belief that life was a struggle, a battlefield and if there was anything bad that could happen; it would definitely find me! Every tragedy that I continually focused upon eventually happened! I was always right!
Seriously, time after time it was proven to me, so why should I believe anything different?
It is that exact type of thinking, that lack of knowledge, which brought on all my problems to begin with.
This negative way of thinking is what continually creates the same life problems for millions around the world because it is our thoughts and deeply embedded beliefs that create every moment of our lives. It is so important not only to eliminate negative thinking and think only the highest and best thoughts that we possibly can in order to create positive and loving change within our lives, it is extremely important to take the time to imagine the kind of life that we would like to have. Mind power is our creative life power!
The mind is our slave but many of us live our lives as a slave to our mind. We allow our mind to take over, run rampant, feeding the weed seed and controlling our lives. Our fears, our happiness, our emotions, our relationships, our lack, our health; everything is controlled by our mind power. It is when we learn to harness the power of our mind that we begin to create the miracles in our life; we put our mind to work for us in a positive way and unleash the positive creative power within.
Each and every one of us is an unlimited, creative source of consciousness that HAS the power to dream HUGE and ACHIEVE those dreams … when we BELIEVE in being unlimited.
What happens when we place limits on ourselves?
What happens when someone puts limits on us that we believe?
We live our life according to the ideas of others and we struggle unhappily, marching along like little robots with no minds of our own. We live below our potential just to fit in and like little puppeteers following the masses we bounce along afraid to be different, to afraid to step out of the confining four sided little box that we have been programmed to live within.
We not only allow their limits to strip us of our identity of who we truly are but we allow them to strip us of our dreams.
I’d like to share a little life story with you so you can see how I allowed the power of my mind to strip me of my dreams and then made an amazing return when I finally had my “a-ha†moment. This one experience, which appeared to be extremely negative in the beginning, was actually a major blessing that began my journey in learning how to change the way I used my mind. I know that you too can change any situation in your life once you harness your positive mind power.
Back in 2004 I was in the very beginning stages of building my energy healing business. I was excited because I was actually making money doing something that I absolutely loved doing! It wasn’t a lot of money but I felt great because I was able to stay home and raise my kids while beginning to financially make ends meet without a lot of excessive worrying.
Finally things definitely appeared to be going well in this area of my life.
It was then that I was introduced to a woman who did “Angel Readings.†It was reported from people in the community that she was an incredible reader so I made the decision to go see her.
I went to the reading filled to the brim with my bubbly personality, very happy and extremely excited! Within minutes of being within this woman’s presence my happy, upbeat personality took a major dumper. That should have been my first clue to jump up and leave but I didn’t. I stayed as I asked the question that I wanted to know. “Would my business expand?†She asked what I was doing (hmmm that’s odd; I thought she was supposed to be reading me?) I told her energy healing. She immediately said, “You will not make any kind of living or money with ‘this kind’ of business. You need to stop doing it right now; you are wasting your time. It is best that you get a ‘real job’ and leave this behind you.â€
Those words felt like someone just hit me in the heart with a sledgehammer!
I stammered, “But I am making money right now. I’m supporting myself and my four children doing this work.†She looked shocked as she raised her eyebrows and said “You’re actually making money?†I said, “Yes I am and I’m supporting my four children all by myself with no outside help.†(I was so proud of myself too!) She immediately said, “It will end, that type of business is a flop, go get yourself a ‘real job’ and fast. This is just a side gig, something to fill your time with.â€
Wow, that was a tab brutal don’t you think!?
When I left the reading I was numb; I was in a state of shock. I was so afraid of going back to living in poverty -Â (I was still living in poverty just not as bad as I previously had been.) – worrying how was I going to keep not only a roof over our heads but how was I going to continue to supply the basic necessities of life to my children. The thoughts were racing through my mind faster than the tears were rolling down my cheeks.
Where was the money going to come from now?
How was I going to do this?
How could we continue living like this?
Why does everything have to fail?
Why does life have to be so freaking hard!
Why does my life always suck so bad?
I hate this shit! I quit. I’m so done I’ll just curl up and die, no one will care!
(Dang, sounds like I be needing some cheese with that whine! LOL)
On and on my negative mind ramblings went.
Needless to say I went home completely defeated, discouraged and confused. It was the most disempowering reading I have ever had in my life!
She planted a seed within my mind; it was a negative weed seed, one of doubt but the worst part is; I began to feed it! I watered it by starting to BELIEVE her negative words. Those seeds she planted within my mind were ‘mind weeds’ and just like that I gave my power away to her and believed what she said! I nourished those mind weeds like they were my babies and they grew and they grew and they grew!
(Side Note: Huge mistake silly moi, but empowering life lesson was eventually learnt!)
For an entire month I battled all those thoughts and feelings. I couldn’t shake them; I just became more and more depressed. I couldn’t do anything other than worry and grumble to myself. Each day that I was engulfed in this energy – that my own mind created, that I myself was continually feeding – my business suffered. The orders came in less and less until they finally stopped coming in altogether.
Each day as less and less money flowed through my business, I gave more and more creative energy to that woman’s discouraging words; I watered and nourished my mind weeds. I kept thinking, “She’s completely right! I’m failing; it’s flopping just like she said it would!â€
Within one month of continually feeding my creative power the opposite of what I truly wanted, my business was gone!
Do you see how powerful our minds truly are when we fully believe in something?
I believed she “saw†that my business would fail. In truth this woman didn’t “see†squat about my business! My business went belly up all because I believed the weed she planted within my mind! I put my creative power directly into her words and molded that energy into making it become my reality!
Ah yup, stup I was!Â
One month into this major pity-party I began to get really pissed off and that’s when I realized that my business was successful up until the day of the reading with her! Just like that my “a-ha†moment came and oh my gawd what a relief! It struck me like lighting! The cloud of depression vanished and for the life of me I could not stop the tears of joy as I scooped up my little ones and began dancing around our tiny living room to a favorite Shania Twain tune! I knew as soon as I had that realization that I was going to make a major come back!
I finally realized that I allowed someone else’s own ego based opinion to penetrate my mind and begin growing. I allowed her to take, hell no let’s rephrase that, I handed my enthusiasm, my passion and my business all to her on a silver platter!
Thank goodness for “a-ha†moments!
I realized that the information that she shared with me did not come from a higher source at all; it came from her own lower self and her own belief system. Not only did she unknowingly teach me that it is my thoughts that create my reality, she also taught me that just because a person has their psychic gifts opened doesn’t mean that they are spiritually advanced or evolved nor does it mean that the information they share is truly coming from a higher source! Shall I say this is also where I learnt about discernment? LOL
(Side Note: For the record, there are a lot of truly gifted psychic readers out there; unfortunately this particular woman was not one of them.)
My business flourished as soon as I made the connection and this time my orders tripled because my mind was filled with the unlimited potential of what my business would become; which was fueled by the joy within my heart knowing that I could achieve anything as long as I combined the power of belief thought with the power of love.
When you mix these two babies together, nothing, absolutely nothing can stop you!
It is my hope that you can see from the story that I just shared from my own life experience the power that you have also. When you begin to change your negative thinking into positive thinking you then have the power to begin changing your life. Using affirmative statements is a great way to begin reprogramming your mind!
Remember back at the beginning of this article I stated I didn’t have time to imagine sitting poolside, sipping margaritas while getting a manicure? That thought of “not having the time†was a HUGE mistake on my behalf! You must make the time if you want to see real results form in your life.
Visualization is one of the key ingredients in our ability to manifest or create what it is that we desire to bring into our life experience. It is highly important that you envision what you want because this is how you begin to draw or magnetize your future to yourself. You have to know what you want and if you can see it, you can bring it into reality as long as YOU BELIEVE in it!
You are the master of your mind, no one else.
You are the creator of your experiences, no one else.
You have the right to choose whatever it is you wish to create…then believe it can be so.
No one can steal your dreams unless YOU LET THEM!
Regardless of what people about you are saying or doing, dream big and let the miracles flow!
With Love and Gratitude, Many Blessings!
Lisa Whatley — xo – Lisa Whatley is an International Miracle Mind Mentor and Self Help Empowerment Specialist, Energy Medicine Healer and Published Writer specializing in personal transformation growth programs.
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