Category: self help

  • Finding Peace Within

    Learning how to live peacefully is about no longer viewing life as a struggle and no longer feeling that you need to be in control or manage anything around you.
    Finding peace is about acceptance of everything, of not only yourself, but about accepting your place in life.  This doesn’t mean in any way that you should give up; it means you can let go of any resistance you feel to the moment you are in.  You can still strive for things and be driven, but along the way, you can accept whatever path you are on.  Without trying to control everything, we will walk down the path we are meant for because we are not holding ourselves back. (more…)

  • Letting Go Of Your Old Self

    Finding out who you really are is about letting go of who you think you are.
    We develop certain ideas of who we are and hold onto them, even if they do not fit the real us.  Sometimes our habits and even certain ways of being feel so real that we cannot imagine living without them.  What do you do then; how do you let go of something that feels permanent to you? What you need to do is to see past the idea of it being permanent, for nothing is permanent and you can change as fast and as often as you desire. (more…)

  • Dreams and Destiny

    Waking up to your destiny is about finding your path; it is about letting yourself be led by instinct, emotion, feeling, knowledge, and with what feels right.
    Destiny is not about control or how you see things.  Instead, it is about becoming part of where and who you should be; it is not about what you are forcing yourself to be and do.  Destiny is a word we use to give meaning to our lives.  It is what we are meant for, where we belong in our life.  We tend to think it is something we have to find or adjust;  yet, simply put, it is already part of you, inside of you, and it speaks to you constantly, not out loud, but from within, by what attracts you, what stirs you, and what, deep within, speaks to your mind and heart. It is a feeling of trusting yourself to follow what you desire, whether it be big or small; it is a preference you can feel. (more…)

  • You And Your Destiny

    Understanding your path or destiny in life is more about finding out who you are than being who you think you should be.
    We often go through life living a blueprint of our lives. Following plans laid down ages ago, acting out a future to please others or even ourselves.  We choose not to let go of the ideal so that we can fulfill some grander plan we have devised, often without thought to our true happiness. Why do we let happiness escape our plans, why do we live a life that we are not destined for?  Why do we not even try to seek that which we are meant for? Often, we choose the safest route, one we can see and understand, one we know we can do so that we will not fail. Failure being the worse course of action, because if we fail at our plans, what are we worth.  Failure isn’t always planned, but sometimes losing at something means there is another way.  If that path closes, perhaps what you were meant for is something different, something better and more in tune with the real you. (more…)

  • How To Be Centered And Balanced In Life

    So you try to do all the right things in life; you try to be present and engaged, relating to the moment, seeking truth, and yet you still feel lost and drawn away from reality.
    How do you stay centered even when you try?  There can be many things that unbalance us and keep us from staying grounded in life.  And from experience, we realize that control over ourselves does not help. (more…)

  • Using Karma to Discover Your Direction

    Live The Rest Of Your Life With More Confidence & Self Assurance Through the Power of Karma

    This ponderous world has infinite possibilities yet you will travel one path. How do you really know if this path is for you? Your Karma reveals so much about your personality. Doesn’t it seem more logical that you would want to know more about it?

    If you’re like most people you know very little about Karma, but may be intrigued by the little you have heard. Maybe you feel uncertain about the direction your life is taking. Or possibly you have tried other psychotherapy methods that have not worked for you. (more…)

  • Being Present And Aware

    Seeing the moment for what it is, is important for how we relate to it.
    Without construing false pretenses or imagining outcomes, we let the moment be just as it is without further interpretation.  To let the moment exist how it is, to be present with it, allows us to not only fully experience it, but to be part of it.  We create a separation from our reality when we pull ourselves into our heads; our thoughts destroy our interaction with it.   We become someone who is relating by memory, with fear of the outcome, or are simply too lost in thought to be present.  On the other side of things, we can also be too wrapped up in our emotional state to fully see what is truly happening around us. (more…)

  • Understanding Your Past

    When we go through life, we sometimes choose to not let go of our past, our fears, our choices, and our behaviors.
    We don’t live as who we have become, but instead live our life from the past.  We manage to portray ourselves in a way that is simply repeating our old behaviors, our way of looking at the world, and thus how we interact with it.  We choose not to relate our lives beyond our understanding, but instead within the safe confines of our old selves.  Why do we do this?  Simply because it a learned behavior and it is easy.  We do not let go so that we can become who we think we are based upon our past and our memories.  Yet, we are made up of so much more than our past.  The past is a factor portrayed throughout our lives as a pretense to live by.  Simply put, we are not our past. We are new in every waking moment that we exist in. (more…)

  • Existing With Peace

    To obtain peace one must first find the path that leads us to ourselves.
    By finding one’s self, one’s true self, we open ourselves up to the possibility of existing without fear, worry, struggle, or blockages in our lives.  To be free of withholding ourselves and to exist with nothing in the way, that is peace and all its possibilities that it brings.  We are not meant to struggle against life or ourselves.  And when we come from a place that is our true self and not the shell we present to the world, then we are free.  Free to exist as we are meant to, without the fear that overrides so many lives. (more…)

  • Fear Of The Past Repeating Itself

    When we are faced with events or moments in our lives that cause us to fear something it is easy to slip into the role of always behaving this way.
    If an event or moment were to come along that reminds us of something that came before, something we had a hard time with, it is easy to associate it with the current moment or event.  We often look at life as a repeating pattern, especially when it comes to our fears, for that which we fear the most we expect to happen again.  Why is it this way, why do we make it so hard on ourselves?  It is because that which we cannot control scares us and that which we fear the most is the least within our control. (more…)