Category: self help

  • Good Karma, Bad Karma

    Karma is one of the West’s best known Eastern Mystical concepts, even featuring in popular songs by John Lennon (Instant Karma), David Bowie (Karma Man), and Culture Club (Karma Chameleon) among others.

    Understanding your karma can make the same difference to your life as swimming with or against the tide. Get it right and good things will flow naturally. But getting it wrong can mean one frustration after another. Discover the real meaning of the life you planned before you were born with In Your Soul’s Plan. Through profiles of those who chose the hardest paths, Robert Schwartz explores the provocative premise that we are all eternal souls who plan our lives, including our greatest challenges, before we are born for the purpose of spiritual growth.

    Some years ago the then England football manager Glenn Hoddle, a genuinely Spiritual man, was sacked for an ill-considered remark that disabled people were paying for the sins of past lives. (more…)

  • Think and Grow Rich

    Think and Grow Rich

    In 1908 then small-time reporter Napoleon Hill was invited by steel magnate Andrew Carnegie to interview millionaires with a view to discovering the secret(s) behind their success. First published in 1937, Think and Grow Rich, is the culmination of 25 years of work. That this book has remained not only in print, but also a major seller, for some seventy years speaks volumes for the potency of the message contained within. (more…)

  • A Rational-Intuitive Decision Making Model

    Making decisions is often one of the toughest challenges we face as human beings. And yet having the ability to decide is one of our greatest causes to rejoice, since it proves we are more than mere automata controlled rigidly by inflexible physical laws.

    This article offers some advice on a number of decision making techniques that can be employed when faced with such an opportunity. Just as there is no universal right decision that would apply to everyone in a certain situation, so there is no singular technique that applies under all circumstances. (more…)

  • Self Transformation

    By : Lt Col RK Langar

    Self transformation means changing ourselves from our present state of existence to a higher state. It is based on the assumption that all men are not perfect at birth but can become so with self-effort. Self transformation presupposes that there is something in a person, which needs to be changed for the better. (more…)

  • Good Karma, Bad Karma by Lt. Col RK Langar

    Two things disturb man considerably. One is when he undergoes sufferings either physically or mentally and two when he finds that he does not get recognition for his efforts. In both cases man compares himself with others who are considered as better than himself and draws his own conclusions. When a man suffers he invariably asks ‘Why Me’ of all the persons, should suffer. Then when he is not rewarded for his efforts his immediate reaction is ‘Why not Me’ since he considers himself as good and at times even better than those whose efforts have won them recognition. Man is caught in the whirlpool of ‘Why Me’ and ‘Why not Me’ and suffers unnecessarily. (more…)

  • The Shadow Effect

    Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford, and Marianne Williamson — New York Times bestselling authors and internationally acclaimed teachers — have joined together to share their knowledge on one of the most crucial obstacles to happiness we face—the shadow. These three luminaries, each with a signature approach, bring to light the parts of ourselves we deny but that still direct our life. For it is only when we embrace our shadow that we discover the gifts of our authentic nature. (more…)

  • Take a Snapshot of Your Soul

    “Know then thyself, presume not God to scan; The proper study of mankind is man.” So wrote Alexander Pope in the 18th Century. Indeed to know yourself is a lifetime’s pursuit, as the light of experience continually exposes new facets of what we are, as well as modifying that which is already known.

    Taking a snapshot of your soul can be likened to checking the position of a boat that’s been left on autopilot for a while. It involves stepping back from the actual living of daily life, identifying what’s important, and as a result maybe tweaking your direction a little. (more…)

  • Does Positive Thinking Really Work?

    The Daily Mail recently published an article by broadcaster Jenni Murray, Positive thinking makes me sick…, casting doubt on the effectiveness of positive thought. Murray, who had just overcome serious illness, viewed the effort of thinking positively as an additional burden during her recovery.

    In contrast, this article presents a few (of many possible) examples detailing the apparent benefits of positive thought: (more…)

  • Map Your Mind, Map Your Destiny

    Your mind is an amazing entity with incredible potential, most of which remains unused. This article describes mind-mapping, a powerful technique for understanding what’s really going on beneath your mind’s hood. To learn more about understanding and using the full power of your mind, see Real Mind Power Secrets.

    A mind map is essentially a graphical representation of concepts (usually starting from a central concept) and the relationships between them. The non-linearity of mind maps (compared to prose or lists) reflects the brain’s internal representation of knowledge thus providing a more accurate model of mental function. (more…)

  • Don’t Say You Don’t Have Time

    A great paradox of the technological era is that despite each wondrous new invention the demands on our time become ever greater and the promise of a leisure society seems further away than ever.

    Take for instance the ubiquitous cell phone; before these little marvels appeared, being out of the office meant being off duty, nowadays we are on call 24/7. Or the Internet, the truly fantastic global computer network that places a world of knowledge at our fingertips; the trouble is we’re now so overloaded with information we often can’t begin to sift the (little) meaningful content from the (mass of) dross. (more…)