by Zoe Young at
We all seek to know what is true. Without knowing we may find ourselves intuitively on this quest. Bearing down on answers, in search of the right path that will show us the way. To find answers must we first know the questions? Often not, for sometimes, deep within, we may feel a shift of something balancing, of something clicking into place. This kind of knowing is possible without even understanding it. It is truth righting itself within us.
When we feel lost, at a place in our lives when we just don’t know what it is all for, this is a calling, a desire to find truth in the meaning. Why are we here? What am I meant for? Where do I go from here? Looking for truth, for answers, for a way of being that is right in the world. On this journey, whether intuitively or consciously, you are seeking truth, for answers in creation, in yourself, in why. The truth is not hard to see. It comes from within, from where you are at this very moment.Â
Seek inside yourself, ask what you’re missing, what you need. Listen to the answers. They may not come right away, be patient. Give yourself the moment to be and you may find that the truth within you seeks you more than you thought. What is important to know and remember is that you are wiser than you think. Your true self within knows everything, knows what you need and don’t need, knows where you are and where you are headed. Be patient, caring, and open. Let your true self come forward.
Your true self is present, although it may be buried under the person you have created and laid over, the foundation is there. This is you complete, no other knows you better. Ask and then listen. It may seem small to listen to yourself, like how can I know, I feel so lost. You are lost because you are disconnected from your true self. You are wondering what to do because you forgot the one true person to ask. Listen and give the space to accept the answers. Ask something small first and work up to the big ones.
If you give yourself the space to listen, you can begin to find your answers. Find the answers your being wants you to know. Begin to listen to yourself, be guided by your truth, and seek no more. Know you are far more capable at being you than you think you are. It may take practice and patience, but with openness you will begin to hear the truth in you.
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