How To Be Centered And Balanced In Life

So you try to do all the right things in life; you try to be present and engaged, relating to the moment, seeking truth, and yet you still feel lost and drawn away from reality.
How do you stay centered even when you try?  There can be many things that unbalance us and keep us from staying grounded in life.  And from experience, we realize that control over ourselves does not help.

In letting go of all the ideas of what we should and shouldn’t be, we open up the possibilities to be just as we are without further instruction.
Yes, it is important to realize what we need, what would help us on a daily basis in this life, but it is also just as important to let it be.  When we feel unbalanced, we can simply realize this and then let it go.  There is no struggle back to the beginning; there is no holding on.  When we feel that we are not centered or that we have moved away from reality, we can realize this and let it go.  When our emotions take over, we can see this and let it go.  It is not about managing self, but it is about realizing that without struggle, we can just be.  We create the struggle in ourselves; we fight who we are simply so we can find peace.  Do you see the simplicity of not trying to control at all and instead just being?

Know that who you are always changes, so even your perception of self never stays the same.
How you see yourself is not something to fix or change; rather, it is you at the moment.  And how are you doing?  What do you seek to learn, to understand, to be?   By having these aspirations, you have come to realize what you need.  Therefore, when you are lost and feeling out of sorts, realize this and your path connects again.  It is as simple as that.  Accept who you are at this time, in this moment, and realize that you are just as you need to be.

Let the struggle go, for it is false.
Let yourself be you.  When you know you are where you should not be, feeling dragged down by emotional responses to life, let them go, let yourself come back to you, to the reality of you, and you will.  When you find your mind racing into the future or the past, overwhelmed by thoughts, you will see this, accept it, and let it go.  Remember there is no battle, and with no battle you are accepting yourself fully, just as you are.  There is far more peace in this than in the trying or the controlling of one’s self.  Where is the happiness in the battle?  Just by knowing, understanding, and being aware you are all you need to be, because you have the tools to accept and let go.  By doing so, you can be you in the moment where you are, as you are meant to be.

By Zoe Young and Adam Benedetto at Answers in Writing



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