Being Present And Aware

Seeing the moment for what it is, is important for how we relate to it.
Without construing false pretenses or imagining outcomes, we let the moment be just as it is without further interpretation.  To let the moment exist how it is, to be present with it, allows us to not only fully experience it, but to be part of it.  We create a separation from our reality when we pull ourselves into our heads; our thoughts destroy our interaction with it.   We become someone who is relating by memory, with fear of the outcome, or are simply too lost in thought to be present.  On the other side of things, we can also be too wrapped up in our emotional state to fully see what is truly happening around us.

When we are preoccupied by our emotions, relating to them rather than to the moment, we can never be fully present.
In relation to the moment, we can exist purely from a state of no withdrawal, no ulterior motives, no internal mental or emotional battles, and most importantly simply allowing ourselves to be where we are.  We very often choose to pull out of the moment.  Why? Because we find our thoughts are more important, we give them a value over our existence.  In addition, we sometimes rule our days by our emotions.  Often, the two of them interacting and filling our day up, and we never fully come to peace with where we are.  We miss the moment.

We have lost the value of experiencing the moment for simply what it is.
We let ourselves get lost in ourselves, in what we think is important, and choose to exit reality.  We may think we are doing a good job at being where we are.  But take a moment, relax, and ask yourself how much of the day or even this very moment have you really felt present?  Why do we hide from the moment, why do we pull ourselves away so often?  It is like we are fixated on anything but being fully present.  However, the truth is that when you can be present and not be pulled in many different directions by thoughts or emotions, all else falls away and the constant struggle you feel can dissipate.

The importance you placed on figuring things out, on worrying over the future, on delaying your responses out of fear–all of this is nonessential, because the moment does not require this.
The moment exists as part of us; therefore, there is no future, no past, no struggle, no aftereffect, or even anywhere to get lost in, because we have not complicated the moment with our ideas, perceptions, memories, fears, or anything else. When we are present and fully engaged in the now of the moment, we can see clearly and feel what is important.  We can understand what really matters for us at that time.  We can relax and become ourselves without stress, without managing or pulling ourselves in different directions.  By letting ourselves stay grounded with where we are, we are present.  We are connected and therefore need nothing else.  All the big problems tend to fall away because we no longer give them so much importance in our lives.  We can then see them for what they are with nothing else added to them.  Let go of yourself long enough to be present.  Engage in the moment.  Feel, see, and think about where you are and nothing else.  Life’s purpose is not about struggle or always doing something; rather, it is about being where you are.

By Zoe Young and Adam Benedetto at Answers in Writing



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