Category: jesus

  • The Reincarnation of Elizabeth, the Mother of John The Baptist

    by Doug Simpson

    The life readings of the legendary American mystic, Edgar Cayce, present details about John the Baptist and his family not found in any discovered ancient documents. The soul of Miss 2156, the reincarnation of Elizabeth, was definitely one of those highly developed souls that I have now mentioned a number of times in other articles, so the story of Elizabeth contains a story within a story. This story-within-a-story begins with letters, carefully preserved in the archives of Edgar Cayce’s Association For Research And Enlightenment, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. (more…)

  • The Second Coming of Jesus of Nazareth?

    by Leland Mellott

    By way of a powerful LIGHT in my mind during the month of October 1981, I see that we have entered Humanity’s Next Cycle and that this is not another 2,000 year out-breath of Divine Will Intelligence (which is what the Second Coming would have been); it is a turn to Source.

    Like a duck leaping into a pond is what the Second Coming would have been compared to the cycle we have entered, which is more like a galaxy being born. (more…)

  • from Paranormal to Spiritual

    Heidi Hollis, Author of Jesus Is No Joke & Picture Prayers, Talks About Her Journey from Paranormal to Spiritual

    LAS VEGAS (March 13, 2010) – Author Heidi Hollis is celebrating the second anniversary of the release of her inspiring personal journey Jesus is No Joke and soon the one year anniversary of Picture Prayers. (more…)

  • Using Child Stories to Teach the True Meaning of Easter

    by: Paul Arinaga

    There’s a lot of controversy about the true meaning of Easter. Some claim that it’s actually a pagan celebration in origin. Others lament that retailers, greeting card companies and television are changing Christianity’s greatest feast into something with meaning “the size of a jelly bean.” (more…)

  • The Corruption of Christmas

    The Holiday season is fast approaching. That time of year when we remember the birth of Jesus, a worthwhile celebration indeed. For Christians Jesus is God incarnate, but for others this truly enlightened teacher shared a message of love and peace that still has the power to promote a better world if only it were practiced a little more. The first step to that is awareness, and in that sense Christmas remains valuable.

    Yet the origins of this season go back way before the birth of Christ, to an era when mankind was far closer to nature. December 21st marks the winter solstice, the shortest day. A day to be in front of a warm fire, with loved ones, looking forward to the lengthening days that immediately followed. (more…)

  • The Easter Story – a Spiritual Interpretation

    The real theme of Easter is timeless, that of re-birth and renewal.

    Nature re-awakens after winter’s withdrawal; refreshed, energized and ready for the opportunities of the new season. And we, full of plans dreamed up on long dark winter’s nights begin to bring them to realization. Realtors know that Spring sees many new homes being placed on the market as people pursue new beginnings.

    But as Easter itself is a Christian celebration, and Christianity is the world’s largest faith, let’s focus on that great Soul, the Lord Jesus. (more…)