Anonymous Benefactor

By Gabriel of Urantia

We are separated on this planet we call Earth/Urantia by many views of God and His workings with humankind. These problems lead to divisions, hate, bigotry, and wars. Some Christian denominations and sects, particularly fundamentalists, think they have the cornerstone of truth when it comes to the Spirit of Truth. They say that you have to literally ask Jesus to come into your life or heart and be willing to turn over everything to Jesus to receive that Spirit of Truth.

Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

Of course, here in America, if you do make that commitment to Jesus Christ, the Spirit of Truth will become activated because the Spirit of Truth is already there inside every human being. It just needs activating. But that same Spirit of Truth can become activated in Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Hebrews, and New Agers—in any nation, race, or culture—once they desire to seek their understanding of the Creator or to seek truth. So I would call the Spirit of Truth the Anonymous Benefactor, because God the Father doesn’t care what you call the Spirit of Truth. He just wants you to seek truth and become a kind, loving, compassionate, and giving human being.

Christian fundamentalists would say you have to be “washed in the blood” and “accept Jesus as your personal savior”. Some fundamentalist Christians would say you actually have to speak in tongues, as a sign that you have received the Spirit of Truth and that you are actually “saved.”  Some Christian fundamentalists say you have to be baptized in the name of Jesus only. Some say you have to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Some say you have to be fully immersed in water (not just sprinkled on the forehead).

Some of these fundamentalist sects only exist in just a few cities in the United States. Why would God send the Spirit of Truth to just a group of people in Lubbock, Texas or Huntington, West Virginia and to no one else on the planet?  Other Christian nondenominational groups, who are also in many cases fundamentalists, believe in accepting Jesus as your personal savior and being born again. The evidence then is studying the Bible and usually going to a local Christian church.

What about the Muslims who have a religious experience, come to Allah (who many believe is the Father), have a relationship with Allah, but never used the word “Jesus” at all? Are they doomed to hell? Will they not get the Spirit of Truth?  What about any good person, of any religion—Catholics included—who are good, honest, and kind people and who seek truth in some manner?

When Jesus said that He was leaving His helper, the Paraclete, He meant that it was available for all humankind. Some apostles, even then, thought at first that this spiritual gift was just for the Jews. Now Christians believe it’s just for the Christians! In 2,000 years we haven’t changed much, have we? This is what The URANTIA Book says about the Spirit of Truth:

“The new helper which Jesus promised to send into the hearts of believers, to pour out upon all flesh, is the Spirit of Truth. This divine endowment is not the letter or law of truth, neither is it to function as the form or expression of truth. The new teacher is the conviction of truth, the consciousness and assurance of true meanings on real spirit levels. And this new teacher is the spirit of living and growing truth, expanding, unfolding, and adaptative truth.”  (Paper 180, Section 5, Paragraph 1)

Ultimately every good thing—from a divine visitation on a planet to inorganic and organic matter in the master universe—every beautiful thing on our planet earth that exists—be it plant, animal, or mineral—comes from the Father Creator of everything. And He doesn’t care what you call Him either. He wouldn’t care if you called Him Popeye, as long as you were a kind and loving human being.  Eventually in your spiritual ascension process, you will come to the understanding that there is a First Source and Center. It is stated in The URANTIA Book that on every higher ascended evolutionary world they call that First Source and Center “Father.”

It can get really confusing. Christians teach that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity—the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and Infinite Spirit. So the second person, the Eternal Son, they think is Jesus. The URANTIA Book says that Jesus is actually created by the Universal Father and Eternal Son and is called a Michael Son or a Creator Son, and there are 700,000 Creator Sons. Each Michael Son/Creator Son creates His own universe with an aspect of the Infinite Spirit as His complement, which is the Universe Mother Spirit.

So Michael of this universe, (now referred to as Christ Michael), bestowed on this earth (called Urantia) as Jesus, was crucified by His own creation of humans, resurrected, and when He left this world, left a part of Himself called the Spirit of Truth. But He Himself said the Spirit of Truth was for all humankind, as a helper for them to find truth.

For almost 2,000 years, Catholics have claimed to be the true church. Most of the Protestant denominations—more than 2,000 of them—claim to be the true church. But Jesus Himself never wanted to start a church at all! He just wanted people to seek the truth and seek His creator, the Father. It is the Father that He pointed to, although for all practical purposes Jesus Christ Michael is the father of His universe, called Nebadon.

When Jesus said to Peter, “Upon this rock I will build my church,” the rock Jesus meant was the “faith” that Peter had that Jesus was divine in some way. And Peter was right. The church that Jesus was talking about is a group of believers who believe that there is a divine Creator, God, which is known by many names. The church has nothing to do with an organization or a building. But the word “church” has become a Christian term, although this is never what Jesus intended. Jesus did not start Christianity. He came to teach the Fatherhood of God and the brother-/sisterhood of humankind.

Christ Michael—who is the sovereign of our universe called Nebadon—is not into legalism or fundamentalism or the dogmas of man. He is a divine-origin being, yes. But He is not so much concerned that He be worshiped, rather that the Father is worshiped. And the Anonymous Benefactor that He left behind will eventually lead people all over the world to the Father.

Religions do separate us, and these “isms” do create wars. True religion—the seeking of truth and the seeking of God or the Father—is not confined to a church building or an organization. It is possible that the Alaskan Eskimo can receive the Threefold Spirit of God long before the born-again U.S. Christian because the Eskimo has to survive in the northernmost outdoors and is more in tune with nature (the Mother aspect of God). The Father will first give a fragment of Himself, the Thought Adjuster. The Mother will give the Holy Spirit, which will then lead to the reception of the Spirit of Truth or the Anonymous Benefactor, because these Eskimos just might not go to the local Christian church down the street, but yet when you meet them, they are sweet, innocent people. Quite the opposite of meeting someone from Beverly Hills, if you get my gist.

What’s God looking for when it comes to salvation? The outer signs of righteousness and prosperity or the inner beauty of the soul? I think that some Christian fundamentalists, for sure, are going to be very surprised when they see Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Mormons, New Agers, whatever, in the “Promised Land”!


Gabriel Of Urantia

Van / Gabriel of Urantia / TaliasVan is one of the most unique and distinct spiritual leaders and authors of our time. His work provides wisdom, cosmic absolutes, and answers to the questions of the seeking soul. He is the co-founder of Global Community Communications Alliance, a multifaceted global change 501(c)(3) nonprofit, comprised of approximately 120 change agents from five continents, and The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion both located in Tumacácori, Arizona.

His lifelong devotion to God and service to humankind has led him through many levels of spiritual growth resulting in his founding a variety of innovative and highly successful programs for helping others to ascend spiritually so they can heal and prosper as ascending souls of God and fulfil their God-given destinies.


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