The Story of the SOULS of Jesus the Christ and Edgar Cayce In Palestine

by Doug Simpson

The Edgar Cayce life readings provide us with the opportunity to view incarnations of Jesus and of Edgar Cayce, in Palestine, and they reveal, without question, some enlightening information on a time when their souls worked in consort.  At the time of Jesus, Edgar Cayce’s soul had an incarnation as a man known as Lucius.  Lucius is mentioned twice in the New Testament.  Acts 13:1 identifies Lucius of Cyrene at the church at Antioch, and Romans 16:21 names him with Timothy and others.  No other details concerning Lucius are revealed in the Gospels.

Edgar Cayce had channeled two life readings from the Heavenly Source for himself, and neither of these readings had mentioned an incarnation at the time of Jesus.  It was often pointed out by the Heavenly Source in the approximately 2500 Edgar Cayce life or reincarnation readings that the life readings did not reveal all previous incarnations for the recipient of the reading, but only information on those incarnations which the Source deemed helpful to the recipient’s current lifetime, and at his or her current age. 

On April 12, 1935, Edgar’s incarnation as Lucius was revealed this way: “5. (Q) May we ask with propriety by what name Thou didst call Thy servant Edgar Cayce during Thine Incarnation on earth? (A) Lucius.”  [Reading 254-85] This information was re-enforced on December 15, 1937, when Mrs.1462, whose name was Mariaerh in her incarnation at the time of Jesus, was told: “19. Then when there was the selection of those that were to act in the capacity of the ministers, or the deacons for the ministering to the peoples, when all their material belongings had become as a part of the disciples’ or Apostles’ and they were all with one accord together, the entity heard much of those activities of Philip and Peter, but became closer associated with one Lucius – a kinsman of Luke. And Lucius is the entity now through whom this information is being given. [DS: Edgar Cayce]

  1. Hence the activities and associations of the entity with Lucius became as those close activities for the founding of the ministry, the missionary activities, the influences that brought about the establishing of many portions of the Church during that early ministry of not only the disciples or Apostles but those early ministers of the Church; as Mark and Luke and Lucius and all of those – Thaddeus and Saul or Paul and Barnabas, and those of Laodicea. 21. For it was there that the entity went with Lucius when there was the establishings of the Church there; when Paul preached in Laodicea. 22. For these were a portion of the kinsmen of the people from the Roman land. And there the entity ministered as the helpmeet or the wife of Lucius for those early peoples of the church there.” [1462-2]

On February 11, 1938, at age 60, Edgar asked for a reading on his incarnation as Lucius.  For starters, here are a few excerpts from that reading. “1. EC: Yes, we have the records of that entity now called Edgar Cayce; and those experiences in the earth’s plane known as Lucius of Cyrene – or known in the early portion of the experience as Lucius Ceptulus, of Grecian and Roman parentage, and of the city of Cyrene. 6. The entity was disregarded and questioned by those who were of the Jewish faith who were the close followers of the Master; yet it [DS: Lucius] was among those that were sent AS those who were to be as teachers – or among the Seventy. 7. With the arousing, and the demanding that there be more and more of the closer association with the Teacher, Lucius being of the foreign group was rejected as one of the Apostles; yet was questioned mostly by John, Peter, Andrew, James and those of the closer following – as Matthew, Bartholomew; and was the closer affiliated or associated with Thomas.

  1. It may be questioned by some as to why such an OUTSTANDING experience of the entity now called Cayce should not have been given in the first. 24. As has been indicated, each entity, each individual GROWS or applies, or is meeting self in the varied experiences – as the tenets of an individual experience are applied in this present sojourn or activity. 25. If this had been given in the first, there would have been a puffing up – but the very unstableness as was indicated throughout the experience, until there were the lessons to be gained from the companion, may be seen.” [294-192]

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 10, verses 1 to 20, introduces readers of the Bible to the group of Seventy disciples who were sent out in pairs by Jesus to preach, heal, and advise the local residents of His pending arrival in their area.  Lucius, as stated in 294-192, paragraph 6, above, was one of Jesus’ disciples in this group.

How did Lucius of Cyrene manage to become a close associate of Jesus?  Reading 294-192, paragraph 7, above, supplies a clue, but another reading sets the information flowing.  “25. The entity then was the mother of Lucius, having companionship with, or being the sister of Luke; and this brought those experiences and activities with the Holy Women.  28. The name then was Merceden.”  [2574-1]

Reading 649-1 adds an Apostle to Lucius’ family tree.  “18. Then the entity, in the latter portion of the experiences in that land, joined in that band who made for what would be termed in the present a prayer band, or ladies’ aid or circle, that made the preparations for those that had separated themselves to become the followers of those peoples. And the entity then was with Simon Peter’s mother, wife, the children of Zebedee [DS: The Apostles John The Beloved and James, and their sister Naomi.] and their families – as well as Thomas and Luke; for Luke and Thomas were brothers.”  [649-1]

Miss 649 has a rather interesting history of her own from her incarnation at the time of Jesus.  Her name, then, was Andra, and she was one of the group of Twelve Maidens, which included the Virgin Mary, selected by the Essenes to be groomed as the possible Chosen One for the long prophesied Immaculate Conception and birth of The Savior.  “13. (Q) Please explain my relation with Mary, the mother of Jesus. (A) The activities then were as one of those who GREW up with those affiliated in that order which bound together that particular group of individuals that were all associated at the time. To elucidate:  In the preparation for the coming of the Son of man, there were those during those periods who joined in their efforts to consecrate their lives, their bodies, for a service; for a channel through which activities might be had for the perfecting, as it were, of the material channel through which such an expression of the Creative Forces might come into the earth. See? [Essenes]   There were, then, twelve maidens in the temple, or of the ORDER of the temple, who were dedicated for such preparation.  The entity, then, was one of the twelve so associated with Mary in the preparations.

  1. (Q) Please give the reason for my dream [repeatedly as a child] about the children on the double staircase. (A) This might be interpreted by some in one way, others in another! In this particular experience, if this is experienced again it will go farther. For it was as the children (as self) on the staircase that led to the ordination or coronation room, in the dedicating of those twelve, at the time that Mary was INDICATED – by the walking up the steps, with the other children on the other – as the one being chosen or led by the Spirit. This is rather, then, an EXPERIENCE; not a dream! Pray that it may be thine experience again. Let the deeper self, the real self, enter into the deep meditation that the I AM consciousness may make more and more aware of how the purposefulness of the experience may be applicable in the activities of the entity in the present. This is most to be desired.” [649-2]

With the revelations in the Edgar Cayce readings that Lucius was the nephew of the Apostle Thomas and Luke, the physician to the Apostles, as well as having been selected by Jesus as one of His group of Seventy, there should be no possibility to doubt the closeness of Jesus and Lucius.  Tucked away in the archive of life readings is another amazing story, a story of soul attraction – the reincarnation of groups of souls together in different incarnations to work on karma from previous incarnations together.  Lucius was an earlier incarnation of Edgar Cayce.  Luke the physician was an earlier incarnation of a grandson of Edgar, and in his most recent incarnation had been Thomas Jefferson Cayce, Edgar’s beloved grandfather who had drowned in a farm pond, with Edgar watching, terrified, from the bank, when Edgar was almost five years old.

Here are some excerpts from the reincarnated Luke’s first reading, at age four hours.  “8. Here we find the entity an ancestor of himself, – [2824], in the experience before this; a farmer, a wide awake, high-minded individual. [GD’s note: b. 1829. d. 1881] 25. (Q) Can any more be given at this time regarding the appearances in the earth? (A) These should be sufficient for knowing what you have to deal with for the present. Let the entity seek that as indicates other activities. To be sure, it was a physician in the period of the Master, – and the writer. It was a king in Sweden, Charles III. It was a [2824] in the experience before this, [2824]. In the Egyptian experiences it was the offspring of the Young King. In the experiences in China it was the father of the entity who is at present its mother.” [2824-1]

One of Edgar’s sons was also the reincarnation of the Apostle Andrew, well acquainted with Lucius, and who worked with Lucius establishing new churches, off and on, for many years after the death of Jesus.

In concluding our information on the Palestine incarnations of Jesus and Lucius, I would be remiss if I did not include this excerpt:  “19. (Q) I am writing a book. Can you help me, from the hall of records? Who actually wrote the four Gospels? In what order? and when were they written?  (A) …  LUKE was written by Lucius, rather than Luke; though a companion with Luke during those activities of Paul; and written, of course, unto those of the faith under the Roman INFLUENCE – not to the Roman peoples but to the provinces ruled BY the Romans! and it was from those sources that the very changes were made, as to the differences in that given by MARK and MATTHEW.” [1598-2]

If I had told you at the beginning of this article that Jesus actually oversaw some of the Edgar Cayce readings, many of you probably would not have believed me.  The readings offer proof that this indeed did take place.  Jesus’ youngest brother, Jude, was also reincarnated at the time of Edgar Cayce, and had a visit from Jesus during a reading.  “11. (Q) Is this my brother Jesus talking? (A) He speaks with thee often in thy meditations and prayers.  12. (Q) Will I be able to see Jesus? (A) You will. 13. (Q) In John, thou saidest, “after my death, the Comforter will come.” Who is the Comforter today? (A) The Comforter is the gift of the Holy spirit, for it sheds abroad in dark places, and Him that keepeth my counsel is brought to the full understanding, and is brought to remembrance of that walk with Him.  14. (Q) Which of the disciples was the one you loved the best? (A) John. Upon this one Jude leaned in days when chains and bonds held thee. Freed with him and then sent into the wilderness for thy tenderness. He (John) will aid you.

  1. (Q) Is John now in the flesh? (A) “John yet abides in me.” 16. (Q) Will he again come into the flesh? (A) That remains yet to be seen. 17. (Q) Is [5770] Judas Iscariot? (A) “Judas Iscariot, betrayer of me.”  18. (Q) He is a fine man today. (A) A fine man and leans upon thee. Many have been the trials of this soul in the destruction of many places and cities. Yet, though today with much of what the world calls material bounty, he leans upon thee – yet, this soul leans on thee.  19. (Q) Should he be introduced into the work [DS: Edgar Cayce’s Association For Research And Enlightenment. At the time of this reading it actually had a slightly different name.] at Virginia Beach? (A) Yes, the more that are gathered in His name, the greater is the strength thereof.  20. (Q) Am I guided when and in my approach to others regarding this? (A) “Thou art. In the hour that thou speakest I put it into thine heart what to say. For oft in prayer do I speak with thee.” “  [137-125]

Jesus also spoke with Miss 560, who was the reincarnation of Martha of Bethany, the sister of Mary Magdalene.  This conversation did not take place during a reading, but it was confirmed in a reading.  “10. (Q) [560]: What is the significance of the experience during my morning meditation, in which I was asked my name 3 times, and after each I answered [560] very emphatically, the 3rd time so emphatically that it was heard by someone in the room. To whom was I talking? (A) As there have oft been the experience of individuals being called by the mentors, or those guards of the various forces as manifest in the material world, so may the call come to one who has set self in body-mind to serve, that is called to service. So, in the experience, the body-con- sciousness was called by Him as would guide, direct, who is the way, the light, that leads to the proper conception of relationships in the various elements and elementals of life itself. A call from Him, who called as “Martha, know ye not she hath chosen the better part?”  [281-12] See Luke 10:38-42.

I will conclude our story with a visit of a different sort. “16. We are through for the present. [After suggestion given – just before saying “You will wake up” [DS: Edgar Cayce, still in trance, said:] “Jesus is passing by!”]” [538-31]

©  2015 by Doug Simpson

Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Doug Simpson is a retired high school teacher who has turned his talents to writing. His first novel, a spiritual mystery titled Soul Awakening, was published in the United States in October of 2011, by Booklocker. It was reissued in October of 2012 by 5 Prince Publishing as Soul Awakening, Book I of the Dacque Chronicles. For further details visit them at It is available in print and eBook format through most bookstores around the world. Soul Rescue, Book II of the Dacque Chronicles was published in November of 2012, Soul Mind, Book III of the Dacque Chronicles was published in January of 2013, and Soul Connections, Book IV of the Dacque Chronicles was published in April of 2013. Doug’s first non-fiction book, titled The Soul of Jesus, was published by 5 Prince Publishing in January of 2014. In March of 2014, it earned recognition as a #1 Bestseller on Amazon, USA. His magazine and website articles have been published in 2010 to 2014 in Australia, Canada, France, India, Russia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. His articles can be accessed through his website at


2 responses to “The Story of the SOULS of Jesus the Christ and Edgar Cayce In Palestine”

  1. Kimberlee avatar

    Excellent research.

    I hadn’t been aware of these readings about the associations between Edgar Cayce and the disciples/Apostles.

    I was looking for proof that Edgar Cayce, Arthur Ford, and Jesus often incarnate together, and I found exactly what I was looking for.

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful research.

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