
  • The Importance of Saying No

    One of the hardest words in the language to say is “no”. Why should these two letters be so difficult to utter?

    Perhaps it’s the conditioning of our youth when we were told to always be nice to others? Maybe it’s fear of making an “enemy” of the scorned individual, or inviting the adverse judgment of our peers or creator? Or could it be the deep knowledge that at essence we are all one and to reject another’s need is to ultimately harm ourselves? (more…)

  • Switch Off for Mother Earth

    Vote Earth For Earth Hour


    In December 2009 world leaders meet in Copenhagen to agree on a post-Kyoto policy for tackling climate change. One billion people voting with their light switch during Earth Hour on March 28 will create a powerful mandate for our leaders to take strong and decisive action on climate change in Copenhagen. (more…)

  • Serendipity, inviting the Fortunate Accident

    How organized are you? Does your life run like clockwork, adhering rigidly to some pre-determined optimal schedule? Or is it relatively chaotic, following whim rather than plan? The former is usually considered more virtuous, but there may be advantages in allowing a little randomness into your lifestyle. (more…)

  • Does Soul Exist?

    On Feb 23rd 2009 the UK Daily Mail carried an article by Michael Hanlon stating that Simon Cowell, an abrasive British talent show judge and music executive, is planning to have his body frozen, with a view to being revived when medical science has advanced sufficiently to cure whatever it was that killed him.

    If/when such a procedure becomes possible it raises a number of Spiritual and philosophical questions about whether a resurrected body would necessarily contain the memories, personality and soul that originally occupied it? (more…)

  • Entangled Minds

    Entangled Minds by Dean Radin

    Dean Radin’s Entangled Minds provides a comprehensive review of the current evidence supporting the existence of various forms of psychic functioning, or psi. Finding there to be overwhelming evidence that something mysterious is going on it proceeds to examine a range of theories that might offer some explanation. Drawing close parallels between psi and the universe described by quantum physics, Radin proposes the latter may hold the key to understanding the former. Entangled Minds concludes by predicting the universal acceptance of psi in the not too distant future, and speculating how this may impact humanity. (more…)

  • The Miracle of the Seed

    Inside every tiny seed, perfectly encoded, is a detailed blueprint of the adult plant. At the time of the big bang, some 14 billion years ago so the scientists say, the entire universe was contained within a single, infinitesimally small, point. And, like the seed, that tiny point held the master plan of everything we experience and witness, and the very much more that escapes our attention. (more…)

  • The Pursuit for Happiness

    A Guide to Happiness

    Why are we born into this world of many problems, that also offers many potential pleasures? Is it merely to collect as many fleeting moments of happiness as we can amass during our equally fleeting lifetime? Or is there some deeper purpose we ought to be pursuing to make the most of our incarnate time? Looking across the varied spectrum of humankind the answers to these questions are many and varied. (more…)

  • BBC & the Gaza appeal

    GAZA CRISIS donate now

    Great Britain’s state broadcaster, the BBC, has refused to air a charity appeal for aid to the troubled Gaza region on grounds of “impartiality!” While it is certainly not the purpose of this site to solicit donations or take political positions, it is clear that large numbers of innocent people are suffering from the actions of their fellow human beings and we are more than willing to redress the balance and help alleviate that suffering in whatever way we can. If you can spare any amount great or small to ease the pain of your Spiritual brothers and sisters please visit (new age spirituality does not benefit financially in any way as a result of donations made)

  • Life’s Inherent Uncertainty

    Life is inherently unpredictable. We can, and instinctively do,  project forwards to obtain some kind of expected outcome, but because the journey of life consists of numerous branching points the actuality is often far from the expectation.

    The abundance literature says sustained visualization of the future that is both precise and made with the belief of certainty tends to bring the visualization into reality. However, the danger in being too precise in our goals is that we may close our minds to evolving alternative opportunities and lack the flexibility to respond to the unexpected. (more…)

  • Recession and Spirituality

    There is no doubt the global financial crisis will make 2009 a hard year for many. Yet, despite all this, perhaps the downturn may cause us to reflect on more meaningful matters.

    This crisis, we are told, was caused by irresponsible lending by banks on an enormous scale. When the inevitable happened, and borrowers defaulted, the banks were left with humongous losses. The result, no money available for would-be homeowners and genuine businesses, and the taxpayer (ie you and me) left to pick up the (substantial) bill. But even this highly compacted summary may be reduced even further to two words - sheer greed! (more…)