Does Soul Exist?

On Feb 23rd 2009 the UK Daily Mail carried an article by Michael Hanlon stating that Simon Cowell, an abrasive British talent show judge and music executive, is planning to have his body frozen, with a view to being revived when medical science has advanced sufficiently to cure whatever it was that killed him.

If/when such a procedure becomes possible it raises a number of Spiritual and philosophical questions about whether a resurrected body would necessarily contain the memories, personality and soul that originally occupied it?

Is there a soul?

Very controversially Hanlon writes: “No one sensible believes in a nebulous ‘soul’, which leaves the body at point of death”. However, the billions of people around the world who follow one religion or another believe exactly this. Are none of them sensible?
But just in case ordinary folk aren’t sensible, one interpretation of quantum physics – the most accurate scientific description of reality – propounded by respected scientists (eg Eccles, Wigner, Penfield, von Neumann…), says that physical reality is actually created by the act of observation, presumably by some mind. So rather than mind being a mere by-product of body the relationship may actually be the other way round.


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