Inside every tiny seed, perfectly encoded, is a detailed blueprint of the adult plant. At the time of the big bang, some 14 billion years ago so the scientists say, the entire universe was contained within a single, infinitesimally small, point. And, like the seed, that tiny point held the master plan of everything we experience and witness, and the very much more that escapes our attention.
Yet within these miracles of both micro- and macrocosm the unfoldment of reality is but loosely pre-determined. In the case of life there is room for mutation, minor variations on the parent that may serve for good or ill. But because those variants found beneficial are perpetuated so the trend of the whole is toward ever-continued improvement.
On the greater scale reality has been “blessed” with a degree of uncertainty in its unfoldment. The widely held quantum theory states this is not due to the limitations of our measuring techniques but a fundamental property of nature. This uncertainty gives rise to genius and beauty alongside apparent wickedness and evil. But without it humankind could not exist.
And yet we do exist, and so we must wonder why? One interpretation is that we emanate from a deeper level of reality that remains immune to the clumsy measurements of science. Some may call this hidden layer an nth dimension, while others term it simply “Spirit!”
And like the seed, or the known universe at its origin, we are dealt a hand of cards – our circumstances, talents, likes/dislikes… But, similarly, how we play those cards is less fixed. For as the universe is blessed with indeterminacy, and the seed with the power of mutation, so we have the power of free will. And our exercise of this, and its subsequent consequences (positive and negative) are surely our reason for being.
So embrace life, “live it big”. Follow your instinct as your truest guide, for your instinct stands closest to your Spiritual essence. Your material “success” will ultimately crumble to dust, but what remains is the experience you acquire.
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