How organized are you? Does your life run like clockwork, adhering rigidly to some pre-determined optimal schedule? Or is it relatively chaotic, following whim rather than plan? The former is usually considered more virtuous, but there may be advantages in allowing a little randomness into your lifestyle.
One example of many is the discovery of the antibiotic penicillin, responsible for saving numerous lives. This wonder drug was isolated by biologist Alexander Fleming after neglecting to properly clean his culture dishes.
When I was a kid my Dad loved driving, and we’d go out for rides every Sunday afternoon. However, his enthusiasm for motoring was unmatched by his sense of direction. As such we discovered numerous, fascinating little out of the way places on our weekend outings.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’ but ‘That’s funny…’ – Isaac Asimov
Despite the predictions of Newtonian mechanics the universe does not operate like a giant clockwork machine in which the entire future is pre-determined by the past way back to the “big bang”. The contemporary physics of quantum mechanics instead speaks of an inherent randomness in which reality is created as it goes along significantly influenced by the act of observation.
By being tightly organized and following a rigid schedule we minimize the role of chance in our lives. To a degree we protect ourselves from the nasty surprise – but not completely, as ‘fate’ always finds a way to introduce itself. But we also risk blinding ourselves to hidden opportunity.
By doing things the way they’ve always been done we help ensure that is the way they always will be done. But this is not the way that has seen mankind extend himself way beyond the capabilities of our animal brethren. The fruits of human progress we all enjoy today are the result of those who dared say the status quo could be bettered.
Not every deviation from the straight and narrow will yield success. Indeed many paths are blind alleys. But without seeking we cannot find.
So, how might we invite the fortunate accident into our lives? The key is to loosen up a little. Make room for randomness. Don’t always follow the same routine just because it’s always been that way. Don’t be afraid to (try to) fix what ain’t broke.
Start simple. Stop organizing your life so rigidly; go with your instincts on the day. Read a different newspaper. Take a different route to work. Change your day for shopping/laundry/gym… Take up a new hobby. Read a different kind of book… And if those things don’t bear fruit right away don’t get despondent – Rome wasn’t built in a day – keep the doors of opportunity open.
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