We are at essence Spiritual entities. While incarnate upon the earth plane we inhabit a physical body to enable us to survive and interact with our environment and fellow travelers. Upon physical death our Spiritual essence or soul simply discards the body and returns wholly to the Spirit realm that is its natural home. Our personality, memories, experiences, and concerns for those we walked the earth with remain intact. This meditation will help you raise the vibrations of your inner self to become more aware of the Spiritual realm and to more easily communicate with departed loved ones.
You may wish to read this meditation onto a tape, or simply memorize it. Feel free to change it in any way to best suit your feelings. Find yourself a quiet space and time, let any housemates know you don’t want to be disturbed for half an hour or so, close the door and begin by making yourself comfortable. Put the troubles of the day to one side, take a few deep breaths and feel yourself relaxing.
Picture yourself sitting on a beach. A beautiful day is drawing to a close and you feel relaxed and contented as you watch the sun setting over the distant horizon.
As you gaze at the huge orange ball slowly drifting out of view you are struck by a sense of awe.
NB: If you are short of time you may omit the section below shown in italics
You are gazing upon a star of enormous energy and power. Without the sun life on earth, your life and all that around you, would be impossible. And the earth is just the right distance from the sun to make life possible. Any closer, or any further, and we simply could not exist.
As you contemplate this miracle that wonderful orange ball slips out of view, leaving an incredible afterglow. You know that although you can no longer see the sun to those elsewhere on the earth it is just rising into view, heralding the start of another new day.
You begin to feel your true, inner, self rising above your physical body. You look down and see yourself still comfortably seated.
And you feel yourself rising upwards, slowly at first, and then with increasing speed. Your physical body far below grows smaller and smaller, and then disappears as your true self rises above the clouds and soars ever higher and higher until the earth appears as a beautiful blue ball shining like a beacon in the blackness of space.
Still travelling at incredible speed you move further and further from the earth which grows smaller and smaller until it becomes but a point of light in the darkness.
And as you travel further from the earth so you draw closer to another point of light. At first it appears as a mere point of light in the distance but as you draw closer so you see it as a beautiful pink ball. You are reminded of the earth and the sun.
As you draw ever closer to the pink ball so you can see it is a planet, much like the earth. You pass through the clouds and closer to the surface. You find yourself on a beach, much like the one where your physical body remains comfortably seated, but on this beach the sustaining star is rising over the horizon, heralding the start of another new day.
A little way in the distance you see a small building made of stone. You walk towards it, as you do so you feel the sand under your feet, you hear the sounds of the waves and the sea birds welcoming the new day. And you feel the gentle warmth of the nurturing star.
As you reach the stone building you notice the wooden door is ajar. You push it open and enter. Inside is a single room. In the center is a round table with some chairs. The room feels welcoming. Your loved ones who have returned to spirit are only ever a thought away. In this room you can meet them once again. Mentally invite your loved one to join you in this beautiful meeting room. Or if you wish you may invite one of your spirit guides. Remember, this room is only a thought away and you may return here as often as you wish.
After a few moments another door at the back of the room opens and your invited loved one, or maybe more than one, or maybe your guide, enters. You are so delighted to meet again that you simply hug one another for as long as you wish.
Your loved one or guide is as solid and real as anyone upon the earth plane. And yet in this magical place you know that your relationship goes back much further than your current stay upon the earth.
You sit around the table and talk freely and openly. Ask your loved one or guide anything that you’d like to know.
After a while it is time for each of you to return to your current homes, but you do so in the knowledge that you will remain as always just a thought away.
You both leave the meeting room at the same time through the doors by which each of you entered.
As you leave you notice the star is now setting below the horizon. As it finally slips from view so you feel yourself rising above this world and journeying back to the earth. The pink world gets smaller and smaller as the earth grows from a point of light to a beautiful blue ball and as you draw closer so you begin to see the detail of the beach from which your journey began.
Your physical body is still seated comfortably as your inner self re-enters it. On planet earth a whole night has passed and the sun is rising over the eastern horizon.
If you wish you may now ask to continue any communion with your loved one or guide during tonight’s dream state.
You take a few deep breaths, open your eyes, stretch your body and find yourself fully awake and feeling great.
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