Category: purpose

  • Fate vs Free Will?

    Predestination, Free Will, or Both?

    Are we victims of inescapable fate, or do we really have the power to create our own destiny? That is the age-old question.

    This world, and this lifetime, have infinite possibilities yet you will travel one path. How do you really know if this path is for you? The age-old concept of Karma views every action as the cause of one or more effects. In essence ourselves and our lives are the result of countless past actions, as well as contributory causes to the destiny of the universe. Discover more about Karma and how it can be a powerful tool in shaping your destiny. (more…)

  • Using Karma to Understand your Past and Future

    Looking for More Purpose In Your Life? Karma Can Provide The Roadmap

    Karma has always been a solution for those who have lost their way at some point and need new direction. As you accept the ways of Karma you will feel more relaxed than you have ever felt before. The further you understand these techniques the calmer you will feel.

    People who follow their Karma find their lives are in better order. Or maybe it’s just that they understand the order better and accept their situation better. (more…)

  • Finding Your True Self

    Awakening to your true self is like opening up to the truth.
    It is finding what you are meant for, where you should go, and what to do with your life.  It is knowing from within all that matters and what is real. It is your truth that is most evident and that is pouring forth in your day to day life, not with just big decisions, but in all moments of your existence.   How do you get there, how do you find what everyone is looking for–your truth, your real self? (more…)

  • Mind Improvement

    free mind power secrets

    The Power of the Mind

    The human mind can be likened to an iceberg. The tiny, visible, portion above the surface represents conscious awareness. However, like the iceberg, the vast bulk of the mind’s power and activity remains hidden beneath the surface, in the realm of the subconscious.

    The subconscious/unconscious is a vast store of everything we’ve ever experiences. It’s also the home of our drives, those emotions and gut-feelings that influence everything we do but defy conscious quantification. (more…)

  • Is Life Fair?

    Looking around the world, and even our closest environment, there is great diversity among the many individuals sharing the earth plane with us.

    We are each born into unique, apparently random, circumstances. Most obviously birth conditions vary enormously in terms of family wealth, not only between so-called developed and 3rd-world nations, but there are also enormous differences within any given nation, or local community.

    Our starting conditions vary not only in quantifiable factors such as money, but also in more nebulous ways such as the beliefs and attitudes of our parents, carers and others, such as teachers, who provide our all-important initial role models. (more…)

  • True Self and Your Destiny

    By Zoe Young at Answers in Writing

    We often go through life feeling like we are floating along, waiting for something real to happen and show us who we are and what we are meant for.  But what happens when time keeps going by?  Are you meant to be satisfied with your existence even if you still feel like you are waiting?  Of course not, that feeling is you being in need of more.  Of needing to not only connect with your true self, but to do what you are meant to in this life.  When you find that, and can exist from this place, it is so unbelievably powerful.  (more…)

  • Prophecies of Doom

    Author: David Nelmes

    Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, John from Revelations, the Mayans, and numerous other authors and psychics have all depicted terrible end time cataclysms that will result in the end of life as we know it. Like moths to a flame, we appear to be attracted to these prophecies since we tend to believe that we may be somewhat deserving of a fiery end…or at least that some people deserve or earned this future. (more…)

  • The Guidance That Your True Self Can Provide

    by Zoe Young at

    We all seek to know what is true.  Without knowing we may find ourselves intuitively on this quest.  Bearing down on answers, in search of the right path that will show us the way.  To find answers must we first know the questions?  Often not, for sometimes, deep within, we may feel a shift of something balancing, of something clicking into place.  This kind of knowing is possible without even understanding it.  It is truth righting itself within us. (more…)

  • Enlightenment Is A Journey To The Present

    By Zoe Young at

    Enlightenment is a journey, it is a way of seeking to understand all that is important and the truth of our own being.  It is a goal and at the same time away of existing in the world.  It is without trying and without finding, for it is a presence that is already within.  Each of us is capable of discovering peace, happiness, and truth.  If only we are able to let go long enough to see that we already exist in such a state.  We exist in a realm full of creation.  So much is going on endlessly around us.  To see clearly all the changes and possibilities of life is to be present, to be at one what is constantly happening. (more…)

  • Understanding Destiny And How It Can Help You Find Peace

    By Zoe Young at

    Our chosen path already exists within us.  The path we are meant for, our destiny, is true to our heart and our being.  It is here, throughout life, we are being led toward.  Sometimes, of course, the path is averted or ignored completely.  We then become unsatisfied and full of want.  It can be hard to see clearly the choices meant for us.  To hear above the noise, the direction that is calling us forward.  But in your heart and deep within, when you have when you have found your true path, all becomes light and filled with life.  We as beings are not meant to struggle or work at life and what we do.  It is when we let go and let our lives lead themselves, to allow it to be presented, that we begin to see our calling.  (more…)