Category: purpose

  • The Problem with Letting God Decide

    Making decisions is tough. It’s bad enough that choices in life are rarely clear-cut. Each option has its own (usually unquantifiable) pros and cons, and making a decision means accepting the cons of your choice as well as foregoing the pros of whatever you reject. (more…)

  • Is the Universe Indifferent?

    Some scientists, such as the atheist biologist Richard Dawkins, say we live in an indifferent universe. The universe, and all that it contains, exists purely by chance. There is no meaning, no significance, everything simply just is.

    But surely our personal experience tells a different story. The universe must care, because we care. The very fact you’re reading these words shows you care enough to want to know more. But more than this, people care about each other. Society is so filled with selflessness, within your intimate circle you undoubtedly know someone who helps others with no thought of personal reward. (more…)

  • Dogs, Destiny and Free Choice

    Ever wondered what you have in common with a pet dog being taken for a walk on an extendable leash? The dog has a limited freedom, sometimes greater than others, but the overall pathway is always determined by his master.

    One of life’s most perplexing questions is whether we really have free choice. Experience tells us that we make numerous choices every day – what to wear, what to eat, what tasks to prioritize… (more…)

  • I See Your Dream Job

    Finding our life’s true purpose is probably the singular most important thing we’ll do, for once we’ve found it we can then devote our energies with total commitment towards its fulfillment. new age spirituality is delighted to present this Q&A with Career Intuitive Sue Frederick, author of I SEE YOUR DREAM JOB:
    Q.  What inspired you to write I SEE YOUR DREAM JOB? (more…)

  • Past Lives, Present Issues

    Reincarnation is the belief that we consist of a distinct soul, separate from our physical body, that continues to exist after physical death and is capable of being re-born repeatedly into different bodies at different times and in different circumstances.

    Reincarnation is accepted by many religions including Hinduism and Buddhism. It also appears to be a part of Christianity as the New Testament describes the Disciples asking Jesus: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” [John 9:2] (more…)

  • Searching for My Purpose in Life

    by Jerry Jordison

    We all wonder, at some time or another, if we have a purpose in life – why am I here? I’m not talking about what I want to do in this life, like being a teacher or lawyer, but what is life all about. Many people blindly accept the answers from organized religions – God created us and we are indebted to him, and our purpose is to please him through prayer and going to church. Religions have become an engrained part of society over the last couple of thousand years and therefore respected as an institution of authority. Instead of having to do research to discover why we are here, it is much easier to give our responsibility to a religion and accept their dogma. (more…)