The Power of the Mind
The human mind can be likened to an iceberg. The tiny, visible, portion above the surface represents conscious awareness. However, like the iceberg, the vast bulk of the mind’s power and activity remains hidden beneath the surface, in the realm of the subconscious.
The subconscious/unconscious is a vast store of everything we’ve ever experiences. It’s also the home of our drives, those emotions and gut-feelings that influence everything we do but defy conscious quantification.
The subconscious operates independently of our conscious will, which is why people often appear to act “irrationally”. Anyone who’s tried meditation will realize how difficult it is to empty the mind or keep it fixed upon a single idea. It’s almost as if the subconscious has a “mind of its own!”
Subconscious Mind Power
The untrained subconscious consists of innumerable, independent forces – each pulling in a different direction – driven by the multitude of influences we’ve absorbed throughout life. However, these disordered forces largely cancel each other out, giving rise to the widespread belief that we only use a tiny fraction of the mind’s capacity.
Glimpses of the subconscious may be obtained through dreams. Though these often replay experiences of the previous day, they are re-packaged in mysterious ways that offer clues to our vast inner space. Watch particularly for recurrent dream themes which indicate the dreamer’s most prominent subconscious issues.
By recognizing the nature and potential of the subconscious we begin to get more of those hidden drives assisting the conscious will. It is like marshalling the forces of a great army to do our bidding.
It is a 2-way process, by understanding our subconscious we better understand our true drives and may adjust our conscious goals accordingly. And by weakening the partition between conscious and subconscious, the conscious will can begin to influence the subconscious drives.
Developing Psychic Abilities
The subconscious acts as a doorway to the psychic realms, providing access to information that isn’t available through purely sensory means as well as being a channel through which we can influence reality in non-physical ways.
Over a century of research into psychic phenomena, both spontaneous and under rigorously controlled laboratory conditions, have provided irrefutable evidence of the reality of psychic functioning (“psi”).
Though the precise nature of psychic abilities remains uncertain, by appropriate practice we can all develop our innate psychic capacities.
Mind Power Techniques
How We Influence People With Our Minds
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Collective Fears and How They are Fed to You…
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The 10 Secrets of Failure
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How to Manipulate your Reality using Synchronicity
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