by Lt Col RK Langar
Effortless living is an inward living. Effortless living means living purposefully and mindfully, without any stress. Effortless living is only possible when we put in plenty of effort to make our living a useful event. Self effort must precede effortless living. It is only through our right understanding and self effort that we can turn stressful living into a stress free living. Today we have to struggle a great deal for our existence mainly because we have enlisted wrong priorities in our life. We are surrounded by gadgets and products which instead of empowering ourselves leave us with a feeling of deprivation even though they give us some comfort. In the present society we have worldly successful people who are not happy, then we have happy people but they are not successful in the worldly matters, then there are majority of people who are neither happy nor successful. There are very few people who are both happy and successful in the true sense. These are the people who are both happy and successful from inside. These are the people who understand the purpose of life and they are also the ones who live effortlessly. Majority of us are spending majority of our time in chasing what we want which distances ourselves from both success and happiness. First and foremost there is a need for us to close the gap between what I want and what I have. God has given us so much unasked which so many like us do not have. If we keep a count of what we have we should feel contented with it. The equation more money equals more happiness does not hold good. (more…)