Category: in the news

  • Does Soul Exist?

    On Feb 23rd 2009 the UK Daily Mail carried an article by Michael Hanlon stating that Simon Cowell, an abrasive British talent show judge and music executive, is planning to have his body frozen, with a view to being revived when medical science has advanced sufficiently to cure whatever it was that killed him.

    If/when such a procedure becomes possible it raises a number of Spiritual and philosophical questions about whether a resurrected body would necessarily contain the memories, personality and soul that originally occupied it? (more…)

  • BBC & the Gaza appeal

    GAZA CRISIS donate now

    Great Britain’s state broadcaster, the BBC, has refused to air a charity appeal for aid to the troubled Gaza region on grounds of “impartiality!” While it is certainly not the purpose of this site to solicit donations or take political positions, it is clear that large numbers of innocent people are suffering from the actions of their fellow human beings and we are more than willing to redress the balance and help alleviate that suffering in whatever way we can. If you can spare any amount great or small to ease the pain of your Spiritual brothers and sisters please visit (new age spirituality does not benefit financially in any way as a result of donations made)

  • Recession and Spirituality

    There is no doubt the global financial crisis will make 2009 a hard year for many. Yet, despite all this, perhaps the downturn may cause us to reflect on more meaningful matters.

    This crisis, we are told, was caused by irresponsible lending by banks on an enormous scale. When the inevitable happened, and borrowers defaulted, the banks were left with humongous losses. The result, no money available for would-be homeowners and genuine businesses, and the taxpayer (ie you and me) left to pick up the (substantial) bill. But even this highly compacted summary may be reduced even further to two words - sheer greed! (more…)

  • Rememberance

    Today, Remembrance Sunday, has seen England and other countries remember their fallen soldiers of two wars and other mass conflicts. This coming Tuesday will see further commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the armistice that ended the “great” war in 1918.

    As a kid my father explained the importance of remembering, highlighting the human cost of war and explaining that by remembering the fallen we hopefully ensure it never happens again. Fortunately I have never has direct experience of war in either my countries of citizenship or residence. But sadly I am only too aware that despite the peace I have enjoyed conflicts continue to rage around the globe. (more…)

  • Barack Obama & The New Dawn

    Today saw the election of Barack Obama as the next President of the United States. A remarkable victory for this amazing man, not least because within his lifetime racial segregation was widespread.


  • Is Capitalism Dead?

    There’s no doubting the success of the capitalist free market approach in delivering material growth. Indeed the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, unable to keep pace in the cold war, signaled its victory over communism, its main rival for much if the 20th century.

    Yet capitalism is not utopia. Its greatest achievements are overshadowed by vast inequality. The greed is good philosophy espoused by Michael Douglas’s character in the movie Wall Street is responsible for much human misery, including among its own advocates who bypass the very purpose of living. (more…)

  • Do Animals Know More Than People?

    In the wake of China’s tragic earthquake, today’s U.K. Daily Mail carried a story suggesting warnings of the impending disaster may have been given by the animal kingdom. It reports that 3 days before the giant quake thousands of toads appeared on the streets of badly hit Mianzhu city. And also that just hours before the tragedy zoo animals in Wuhan began acting bizarrely. Scientists are currently unable to predict when or where earthquakes will occur. (more…)

  • Embryos, Religon, Science – and government

    Recent days have seen intense debate in the UK concerning the proposed Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill. Among other things, the Bill will allow the creation of human-animal hybrid embryos for purpose of scientific research, and also sanction the artificial creation of babies without need for a named father. I believe it also provides for the creation of babies to act as donors for sick siblings.

    It does however offer a glimmer of hope that the abortion time limit will be reduced, though it stops short of criminalizing the slaughter of unborn children on anything but the strongest justification. (more…)

  • Holy Earthquakes

    This post has been kindly provided by T Stokes

    An earthquake felt over the whole of Britain had its epicenter in Lincolnshire, on Feb 27th 2008, one local inhabitant said he thought a lorry had come through the front of his house, and in nearby Kings Lynn a Russian mafia boss thought he was under attack from rivals, and a nurse in a nearby village said she was almost thrown from her bed.

    But reports from the heart of the quake at Market Raison in Lincolnshire, describe a very strange synchronicity. (more…)

  • Helen Duncan Pardon Long Overdue

    Last Saturday’s UK Daily Mail carried a story on celebrated Scottish medium Helen Duncan, Campaigners bid to clear the ‘witch’ who leaked WWII secrets about sinking battleship.

    Mrs Duncan was a physical medium who could produce ectoplasm in seances, but she is best known for providing some of the strongest documented evidence for Spirit communication. (more…)