Category: in the news

  • British government release UFO files

    The BBC reports that the British Ministry of Defence today released a large numbers of reports of UFO sightings between 1985 and 2007, including those from official sources such as Air Force pilots.

    It’s likely the majority have rational explanations, but might some be evidence of extra-terrestrial, or even Spiritual, phenomena?

    The reports can be downloaded from

  • Is Heaven a Fairy Story?

    In an interview with the Guardian eminent physicist Professor Stephen Hawking, author of The Grand Design and the classic A Brief History of Time provocatively dismissed the possibility of an afterlife as a “fairy story” for people afraid of death. Although brilliant in his field, Hawking is reaching beyond the remit of his expertise with this remark.

    In considering an afterlife, we must consider consciousness (for presumably it is that which survives physical death), and that is an area science knows precious little about. The idealized concepts  of heaven and hell are man-made constructs for man-made ends, but the possibility of an enduring consciousness is highly realistic. Although modern physics does place such importance upon the role (consciousness) of the observer that it is deemed impossible to make an observation without influencing that which is being observed. Thus even physics says consciousness matters. (more…)

  • Spirit and Tragedy

    The world is witnessing natural disasters at an increasing rate and evermore devastating scale, eg the December 2004 Asian tsunami, China, Haiti, Pakistan, and most recently the shocking earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis in Japan – to name but a few. Meanwhile war and political crises throw many societies into turmoil.

    Please consider donating towards the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami disaster relief efforts

    Phenomena which bring death and destruction on such a massive scale and cause such suffering for so many survivors cause us to question the nature and very existence of God. More locally, the same questions are asked by those whose loved ones suffer or pass through accident or illness. (more…)

  • 2011 – The Year of Radical Change

    As we watch with horror the scenes of devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan one cannot help but wonder if there is any deeper significance to the increasingly severe natural disasters (in Australia, New Zealand and now Japan) along with growing political unrest that is taking place this year. (more…)

  • Scientific Credibility for Precognition?

    Despite overwhelming statistical evidence supporting the existence of human psychic ability, gathered over decadces by numerous highly credible researchers, parapsychology has struggled to find acceptance as a mainstream science.

    The New Scientist reports that a new paper on precognition by Daryl Bem of Cornell University has been accepted by the respected Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Professor Bem’s experiments found that participants’ behavior was influenced, to a small but statistically significant degree, by events that had not yet happened.

    Bem’s paper Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect may be found online at

  • Chile Mine Rescue – an Inspiration to All

    In complete contrast to the usual doom and gloom pumped out by the news channels the world has today stood captivated by the incredible unfolding story of the rescue of 33 miners trapped deep underground in Chile. This rescue is truly a miracle, perhaps inspired by God, but certainly executed by the Spirit, Will and sheer ingenuity of man.

    Bombarded by accounts of war, natural disaster and all manner of other forms of suffering it is a welcome reminder to see just what the human race is capable of when it chooses to focus and apply itself for good. For today the whole world stands united in its desire to see these men brought safely back to freedom.

    As we continue to hope and pray the rescue will be successfully completed, the event holds inspiration for us all, the inspiration that there is no limit to what we may achieve, and that any limitations we perceive are self-imposed. Let us draw strength from the miners, who although trapped deep within the bowels of the earth, never gave up hope of a brighter tomorrow. And let us draw inspiration from the efforts of every single contributor to the rescue mission, whose vision, belief, and hard work made this miracle possible.

  • Pope’s Visit Polarizes Britain

    The planned visit by Pope Benedict XVI has polarized opinion in Britain with much criticism of the use of taxpayer’s money to fund the Holy Father’s state visit and today’s publication of a letter by more than 50 public figures criticizing the status of the visit.

    Although critics have the right to their opinion the level of concern underlines the increasingly secular nature of society characterized by obsession with minor “celebrities”, short-lived hedonism often fuelled by alcohol or drugs, and an unquenchable materialistic greed. Such pleasures may bring temporary satisfaction but the duration of that satisfaction grows ever shorter and the resulting emptiness leaves us ever-more unfulfilled and in need of ever-greater highs to fill the inner void. (more…)

  • Hawking’s Godless Universe

    or Why do Seagulls Exist?

    The BBC reports English physicist Professor Stephen Hawking’s latest book The Grand Design concluding there is no place for God in theories on the creation of the Universe, with Big Bang merely an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics. Hawking says there is no need to invoke God to set the Universe going, “Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something.”

    I have enormous respect for Prof. Hawking who, despite suffering Motor neurone (Lou Gehrig’s) disease, has become a leading cosmologist and made theoretical physics accessible to the masses through classic bestsellers such as a Brief History of Time. However, I am inclined to suggest that the existence or otherwise of God is a matter that science is ill-equipped to answer. There is a limit or hidden layer beyond which the tools of science cannot penetrate; eg even if existence is an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics one might ask how those laws came about in the first place? (more…)

  • Quantum Physics & Perceived Reality

    Wired Science (July 7, 2010) reports research showing that Quantum Physics plays a role in photosynthesis, ie the process by which plants convert light to energy.

    A process called coherence allows photon energy to find the shortest path through a leaf’s surface by taking all possible paths simultaneously, then “picking” the best one. The resulting energy transfer is almost perfectly efficient. (more…)

  • Pope’s Visit to Britain

    The BBC Have Your Say site has been running a debate on who should pay for the Pope Benedict’s state visit to Britain scheduled for later this year. As it is a state visit much of the cost will be met by the UK taxpayer.  Many of the contributed comments oppose this arrangement, suggesting that the Church should meet the costs of the visit. (more…)