In complete contrast to the usual doom and gloom pumped out by the news channels the world has today stood captivated by the incredible unfolding story of the rescue of 33 miners trapped deep underground in Chile. This rescue is truly a miracle, perhaps inspired by God, but certainly executed by the Spirit, Will and sheer ingenuity of man.
Bombarded by accounts of war, natural disaster and all manner of other forms of suffering it is a welcome reminder to see just what the human race is capable of when it chooses to focus and apply itself for good. For today the whole world stands united in its desire to see these men brought safely back to freedom.
As we continue to hope and pray the rescue will be successfully completed, the event holds inspiration for us all, the inspiration that there is no limit to what we may achieve, and that any limitations we perceive are self-imposed. Let us draw strength from the miners, who although trapped deep within the bowels of the earth, never gave up hope of a brighter tomorrow. And let us draw inspiration from the efforts of every single contributor to the rescue mission, whose vision, belief, and hard work made this miracle possible.