Recession and Spirituality

There is no doubt the global financial crisis will make 2009 a hard year for many. Yet, despite all this, perhaps the downturn may cause us to reflect on more meaningful matters.

This crisis, we are told, was caused by irresponsible lending by banks on an enormous scale. When the inevitable happened, and borrowers defaulted, the banks were left with humongous losses. The result, no money available for would-be homeowners and genuine businesses, and the taxpayer (ie you and me) left to pick up the (substantial) bill. But even this highly compacted summary may be reduced even further to two words - sheer greed!

Around the world governments are commendably taking action to revive the flagging economy, it is a top priority for incoming US President Barack Obama, and let us all hope they are successful. But surely the first lesson from a crisis caused by indiscriminate spending is not to spend indiscriminately. As we must all be careful with our expenditure, thankfully Obama has vowed to be “held to account – to spend wisely”; for every cent (of our hard-earned money) set forward by government must be allocated with prudence.

There are important lessons too for individuals. The humiliated financial institutions are staffed by individuals, all with too keen an eye on the bonus. And it was individual desire for material “things”, albeit egged on by our bankers, that created the mess.

It would be unrealistic to say that money is unimportant. Indeed, until we satisfy the necessities of food, shelter and clothing, money is our highest priority. But beyond this its significance diminishes rapidly.

The trouble with material wealth is that you can never apparently have enough. The more you get, the more you want. There is no level at which the desire is satisfied. In reality the $100,000 limo offers little extra utility over a $1,000 banger. If you’re stuck in a jam, short of having wings, it certainly won’t get you there any quicker.

The marketing industry is incredibly adept at fuelling our material desires, making this/that latest “thing” seem the “thing” we’ve always needed to make our life complete. But when we get it we find it isn’t quite the final piece of the jigsaw and so we desire the next latest “thing” for our fulfillment. And so on…

Of course there is no need to withdraw from materiality, our very purpose in being born into the world is to engage with it. But let’s begin to recognize that materiality forms but a small part of our reason for being. There are many satisfying things that cost little or nothing. Simply being in nature can be truly exhilarating. And the buzz that comes from helping a fellow being is priceless.

To paraphrase another great President, inaugurated 48 years ago, ask not what this world can give you – ask what you can give this world.


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