Category: externally authored

  • I See Your Dream Job

    Finding our life’s true purpose is probably the singular most important thing we’ll do, for once we’ve found it we can then devote our energies with total commitment towards its fulfillment. new age spirituality is delighted to present this Q&A with Career Intuitive Sue Frederick, author of I SEE YOUR DREAM JOB:
    Q.  What inspired you to write I SEE YOUR DREAM JOB? (more…)

  • Changing the Future

    by Tom T. Moore – Copyright 2009

    Perhaps you’ve asked yourself how can we raise the vibrational level of everyone in order to lift ourselves to a fifth dimensional level? Well it’s actually much easier than you can imagine—so easy that many will not believe it can be so simple. (more…)

  • Free ebook on out of body travel

    “School of Out-of-Body Travel – 1. A Practical Guidebook” by Michael Raduga

    Michael Raduga, founder of the School of Out-of-body travel is making his ebook available for free.

    The book is about out-of-body experience(OBE), astral projection and lucid dreaming and all of this as one state of brain and how to learn it. There is no theories. Just practice! (more…)

  • Searching for My Purpose in Life

    by Jerry Jordison

    We all wonder, at some time or another, if we have a purpose in life – why am I here? I’m not talking about what I want to do in this life, like being a teacher or lawyer, but what is life all about. Many people blindly accept the answers from organized religions – God created us and we are indebted to him, and our purpose is to please him through prayer and going to church. Religions have become an engrained part of society over the last couple of thousand years and therefore respected as an institution of authority. Instead of having to do research to discover why we are here, it is much easier to give our responsibility to a religion and accept their dogma. (more…)

  • The Success Equation And The Seven Myths About Manifesting Abundance

    by Linda Zander

    We’ve heard it all a million times: the various secrets of how to manifest lives of abundance.  Every “Guru” has their own angle; a singular approach to manifesting that we’ve all tried.  And yet, in spite of the countless Gurus offering books, programs, products, etc that espouse the “secret to manifesting” we are in the biggest Global economic and well-being crisis since the Great Depression. What does that say?  That somehow we, as brilliant and intelligent human beings have failed the “secrets” that have been taught to us? I know this is not true.  (more…)

  • Making Radical Unity in the New Millennium a Reality

    By Gabriel of Urantia

    Both the Old and New Testaments mention that there was a war in heaven and that Lucifer rebelled against God. But neither Testament gives much information about the details of what the Rebellion was. The Fifth Epochal Revelation, The URANTIA Book, devotes two whole papers (chapters) to this rebellion: Paper 53—The Lucifer Rebellion and Paper 54—Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion. It is not the context of this article to teach the specifics of the Lucifer Rebellion, but after 200,000 years of those specifics, our planet Urantia/Earth suffers great divisions among its races. (more…)

  • The Summer of Love

    by Tom T. Moore, Copyright 2009

    June will again launch another SUMMER OF LOVE.  This phrase will originally coined in the summer of 1967 when a flood of young people traveled to San Francisco to experience communal living, free medical services, and free love.  There was a second Summer of Love in 1969, forty years ago this summer, climaxing (a little humor here) with the Woodstock Festival and Concert in August.  If you ever watched the documentary, who can ever forget Wavy Gravy saying over the loudspeakers, “Good morning, what we have in mind is breakfast in bed for 400,000 people!” (more…)

  • Aquarian Age Spirituality

    by T Stokes

    Unaffiliated spiritual movements, along with Complementary therapies and Alternative medicine, are now enjoying a huge upsurge in interest, In fact the biggest upsurge since the 1930s.

    In America the pharmaceutical companies have been backed by certain hard-line extremist religious sects, to ban outright all alternative medicines and practices, which they say are; “unchristian”. (more…)

  • What Is Energy Awareness?

    This article offers a detailed description of “energy awareness” by Stephen & Lynda Kane and information on how you can use this knowledge to vitalize and improve every area of your life.

    Read What Is Energy Awareness? in full

  • The Rejection of Truth

    by Micahyah Hawkins
    This generation is a generation of “doubters and disbelievers”. We are rejectors of truth.

    We weren’t always this way. There was a time when fact was fact and truth was truth. All knew it and, it JUST was. There was a time when a handshake settled a matter and a time when a man’s word was like a seal that was not broken. Who can say, really, when the “doubt” began?

    Read The Rejection of Truth in full

    Micahyah Hawkins is the editor of “Bible Verses and Bible Codes” Ezine and is a Bible code researcher and analyst. Find out more about the Bible, bible history and the bibles’ hidden codes at: =>