The Summer of Love

by Tom T. Moore, Copyright 2009

June will again launch another SUMMER OF LOVE.  This phrase will originally coined in the summer of 1967 when a flood of young people traveled to San Francisco to experience communal living, free medical services, and free love.  There was a second Summer of Love in 1969, forty years ago this summer, climaxing (a little humor here) with the Woodstock Festival and Concert in August.  If you ever watched the documentary, who can ever forget Wavy Gravy saying over the loudspeakers, “Good morning, what we have in mind is breakfast in bed for 400,000 people!”

Forty years later people are still looking for that “special someone,” or if they’ve found them, many will tie the knot in June.  About thirteen years ago I found that I could request Benevolent Outcomes for everything from the mundane, such as requests for a parking spot in front of a busy mall or restaurant, all the way up to the important things in my personal and business life. 

So if you haven’t found that special someone to spend his or her life with you yet, you can say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for the perfect mate (here you can substitute husband, wife, or partner) for me, thank you!”  When you make these requests a most amazing thing happens—your Guardian Angel responds with assistance (they’re not allowed to assist you unless you ask).  When you ask for something big like this, you may not see the results in one week, one month, or perhaps one year, but the wheels are set in motion for the two of you to meet, and most importantly, connect!

Of course, you’re not supposed to sit in your home waiting for that special someone to walk in the door, so get out and mix and mingle!  Each time you leave your home, request a Most Benevolent Outcome (MBO’s I call them) to meet someone interesting wherever you go.  And if you think you’ve met someone that you might be compatible with, say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome that this relationship is benevolent for me, thank you!”  It will quickly end if it isn’t. 

If the person really excites you and you decide to have sexual relations with him or her, I would suggest, as I wrote in my book, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome that I remain safe and disease free with my sexual partner (you can substitute their name here), thank you!” 

So now things have progressed to the point that you’re being married this summer.  What an experience, but what planning and stress!  My daughter was married last summer, and you would have thought that my daughter and wife were planning the Allied landing on the Normandy beaches.  There are many different MBO’s you can request as you proceed on your planning—for finding the right wedding and bridesmaid dresses, choosing the right tuxes, choosing the right caterer, choosing the right location for the rehearsal dinner and reception, choosing the right florist, and the right person to officiate your wedding.  Oh, and don’t forget requesting a MBO for your honeymoon to go smoothly and to be even better than you can hope for or expect!  Get in the habit of requesting MBO’s for everything in your life. 

Each step of the way, there are Benevolent Outcomes to request so that your life will be less stressful, more successful, and more Gentle!  By requesting Benevolent Outcomes in your life, you will become more aware, the “veil” will begin to thin, and it raises your vibrational level—what a great benefit!

Have a great summer!

About the Author
Tom T. Moore is an international author and speaker.  His book, The Gentle Way: A Self-Help Guide For Those Who Believe in Angels (ISBN # 1-891824-60-0, Light Technology) gives many more suggestions for requesting benevolent outcomes in your life.  Visit his website at


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