Category: externally authored

  • Achieving Success In The 21st Century: The “New” Rules of Engagement

    by Linda Zander

    All the “sure” boats to success have seemingly gone down.  On a daily basis I hear people muttering a new belief: “Success just isn’t possible right now.”  The drive to achieve ones goals, dreams and aspirations have been chucked overboard as impossible rubbish and have been replaced with a new belief:  “It’s a desperate time where the best one can hope for is to just make it through without losing everything.”  (more…)

  • Watching Your Spiritual & Emotional Welfare

    by T Stokes

    The human body can contain 200 different species of life, 80 of those live in the gut. The best known of these are lice and mites, and a square centimetre of human skin can harbour 10 million bacteria, more so in the bowel, through waste and sweat we excrete nearly one trillion bacteria every day. (more…)

  • Self Esteem Affirmations, Words To Empower You

    by Greg Frost

    There is a lot of relationship and synergy going around when talking about affirmation and self esteem and this is why. The problem with low confidence is belief and the existence of a paramount amount of negative energy. This energy can come in the form of insults, failures, stress and other negative factors that have the effect of lowering your self confidence on a daily basis. (more…)

  • The Definition Of Self Esteem

    by Amy Twain 

    Basically, the definition of self esteem means: that you should be confident in whatever you’re doing that you should feel good both in mind and body giving due importance to yourself, having that positive attitude in you and most of all to be worthy of the love and happiness you always deserve. Sense of worth is the form of the spiritual estate. It is the spiritual infrastructure by which the spiritual forces of the individual enhance and develop. Sense of worth is the inner drive, a certain creative energy and an attribute that could be whether negative or positive (which rests entirely in you). (more…)

  • How To Improve Emotional Intelligence: 3 Ways To Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence

    by Michael Lee
    These days, more and more people are trying to figure out how to improve emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability of a person to understand and control their emotions. It may not seem like such an important aspect of our life, but it actually plays a very large part in our decision making habits and thinking skills. (more…)

  • What Is Your Emotional Intelligence Quotient?

    by Annette Estes
    Daniel Goleman, author of the book “Emotional Intelligence,” says, “If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand…you are not going to get very far.”

    Your emotional intelligence is measured by your emotional quotient. (more…)

  • A Life Worth Living

    by Ombassa Sophera

    It is so easy to point the finger at another for what we are experiencing.
    When we truly attune and atone for our own actions and how we interpret what another does or does not do,we will see our tendency to blame and seek to shame others has kept us from engaging our higher self on a more frequent basis. (more…)

  • Manifestation Time

    by Ombassa Sophera

    Do we deserve to be happy, joyful and peaceful?
    This question is a very crucial to answer before going any further into the exploration of our manifestation abilities.
    If we feel we deserve to have it all, we can then move into the next realm of possibilities for creating success in life. (more…)

  • Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

    by Ombassa Sophera

    “If we begin to live by the passage of time, rising and setting of the sun, waxing and waning of the moon, seasonal changes, we would begin to do everything in its unique and timely manner, it is at this time that we will see the world around us take a turn towards order.”

    “Soul Journey To Truth”
    Ombassa Sophera (more…)

  • Prosperity in Tough Times

    by Richard Dupuis

    You absolutely must maintain a positive “can do” attitude in tough times or they will become even tougher.  When you allow yourself to become demoralized, your energy contracts and you are not receptive or creative.   You don’t have to ignore the facts and go into denial, but it does mean you have to stay detached and not follow the crowd into a burning building.  You are autonomous; it doesn’t matter what’s going on around you.  There is nothing outside of you that can affect you.  Quantum physics says the observer creates the observed.  You are the observer and creator of your life and no one or no thing has any power over you. (more…)