Prosperity in Tough Times

by Richard Dupuis

You absolutely must maintain a positive “can do” attitude in tough times or they will become even tougher.  When you allow yourself to become demoralized, your energy contracts and you are not receptive or creative.   You don’t have to ignore the facts and go into denial, but it does mean you have to stay detached and not follow the crowd into a burning building.  You are autonomous; it doesn’t matter what’s going on around you.  There is nothing outside of you that can affect you.  Quantum physics says the observer creates the observed.  You are the observer and creator of your life and no one or no thing has any power over you.

One way to maintain a positive attitude is to read inspirational books or watch DVD’s like “The Secret”.   There are a lot of other excellent sources of information about The Law of Attraction.  The Law of Attraction says like attracts unto itself.

There are a number of other universal laws that are equally important.  The Law of Correspondence, also called the Law of Equivalents, says that for every question, there is an answer and for every problem, there is a solution. 

The Law of Abundance is governed by acceptance.  You receive what you are able to accept.   The universe is on your side…it is always sending you gifts of abundance and prosperity.  Unconsciously you may be unable to accept what you are being sent.

The Law of Expansion holds that all things have the desire to grow and expand and that you get more of what you focus on.  All life has a strong desire to express itself and humans express themselves through inspired creative action. 

The Law of Mind is the most important of all the laws.  It simply says, as you believe, so shall you receive.  The Bible says it will be done unto you according to your belief.  The Law of Mind can be either a great benefactor or a terrible task master. 

Here is how manifesting works.   Consciousness either decides it wants to create something in your life because it sees you would benefit from that creation, or it takes a cue from your desires.   Consciousness uses mind to energize what it wants to create.   Then, thought takes over and gives it direction, like a bullet traveling toward a target.  Almost all teachers tell you to focus on what you are trying to create, but when you do that, you are putting your energy into the result instead of the point of creation.   It’s like starting a race at the finish line.  Instead, put your focus on consciousness; it is the only creative force in the universe.  You want to act from inspiration and only consciousness can inspire you.  Any other action comes from ego and nothing coming from ego is fulfilling. 

There are a number of tools you may use to help you focus your energy on consciousness.  Here is a mantra to use for this purpose.  It is “Hom Sahw”.  The first syllable is spoken on the in-breath.  Since you can’t speak and breathe in at the same time, just think it on the in-breath or speak it silently to yourself as you inhale.  Speak Sahw as you exhale, either aloud or quietly to yourself.

Once you have said the mantra several times, stop repeating it.  Just before you start thinking—notice what’s there.  Once you get the hang of this technique, you will find it very powerful.  Do it daily.  An extra benefit to this is that it will also accelerate your spiritual growth. 

Let’s suppose you have completed all of the things suggested by
“The Secret” or other teachers.  You write your goals down, do your affirmations, make vision boards, come up with creative visualizations, practice gratitude, set your intentions and focus on what you want.  Still, nothing happens–no job, no money, etc. 

Here’s where the rubber meets the road.  It is either obstacle or flow.  Obstacles are patterns of thought that have solidified and become beliefs about your life.  They will stop your energy from flowing.  You will not be able to accept what the universe is sending you.  Those patterns will be reflected back to you and they become your life’s experience.

You must find and clear those negative patterns or you will continue to experience lack and limitation.  Abundance is there for you on the other side of those obstacles.  You know what the obstacles are.   Make
a list of the negative patterns that constantly show up in your life.   They will look something like this:  Money is hard to come by, I never have enough money to pay my bills, I have to work hard and struggle to have what I want,  nothing ever works out, I never get what I want, and I don’t deserve to have nice things, etc.  If you don’t have enough money to pay your bills month after month, it’s because of an energy pattern in your field that needs to be cleared.  Take a good look at your life and it will tell you what your obstacles are. 

This is how you clear a negative pattern.   Sit back, close your eyes and find the pattern in your energy field.  If you can’t locate it, then just pretend to find it–that works just as well as actually finding it.

Once you locate the pattern, dive into it.  Immerse yourself in the energy of the pattern.  Feel it as deeply as you can.  Allow the pattern to intensify.  When you feel like the experience has peaked, ask consciousness to let the energy out of it.  Go over the patterns you have listed daily, until they are cleared.   Once those obstacles are cleared, you will begin to manifest your desires with ease.

Richard Dupuis lectures and teaches workshops, nationally and internationally.  He is available for private phone consultations and may be reached at 206-933-5899 or by e-mail at  Workshops may be sponsored in your area.  He is the author of the books, “Creating Your Light Body,” “Ancient Wisdom,” “From the Mouth of God” and his forthcoming book, “Prosperity Boot Camp.”


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