Category: externally authored

  • The Idea Behind Karma, the Circle of Life

    Author: Mark Jordan

    Karma is followed and understood by millions of people throughout the world. Many Christian cultures have assumed an idea of karma. For many, it is a more understandable idea than eternal damnation for the bad. For others it is simply natural that the wicked will be punished in some way and the good rewarded. So how does Karma fit into the cycle of life? (more…)

  • Four Types of Karma & Soul Energy Correction

    Author: Janarrdhana Guptha

    Meaning & Significance of Karma

    Karma is a Sanskrit word springing from the root “Kri” – “to do” or “to make” or more simply, “action”. The deeper meaning of Karma can be described as an infinite chain of the results of action that is perceived and performed. Karma is a concept of wisdom, based on the Ancient Vedas and Upanishads, which explains a system where beneficial events are derived from past beneficial actions and harmful events from past harmful actions, creating a chain of actions and reactions throughout a person’s reincarnated lives. (more…)

  • Edgar Cayce’s Earliest Psychic Readings


    Edgar Cayce, the Edgar Cayce who was destined to become America’s legendary mystic, began attending Sunday School classes around the age of ten. The lesson being taught on that first day was the story of creation from the book of Genesis. Edgar was mesmerized. He asked his father for a book with the entire story of creation in it, and soon received a gift of his own personal Bible. Edgar’s life-long love of, and expertise in, the contents of the scriptures had commenced. Edgar quickly vowed to read the entire Bible at least once each year for the rest of his life, a promise he faithfully kept. But, at age ten he considered himself ten readings in arrears. Edgar was fourteen years old when he completed his fourteenth complete reading of the Bible. He was quickly regarded as the local Biblical expert and began teaching adult Bible classes while still a teenager. (more…)

  • Junior Creators in Training


    Fourteen years ago I learned I could request Benevolent Outcomes in my life, from the mundane, such as requesting a parking space in front of a busy restaurant, to the most important personal and business aspects.  I found they worked PERFECTLY, which is something that I had never found in my past experimentations.   (more…)

  • The Wendy Stokes Dream Column

    I am driving in my car; the fan belt is slipping – the car might stall. I’m driving quite fast and I feel a sense of overwhelming embarrassment. HR

    In your dream, your unconscious mind has used your car to symbolise the vehicle you use in life to get from A to B. It is a reference for your need to slow down, to be consistent, to run smoothly and reliably. Watch your energy levels, seek advice about health matters and take nothing for granted. Explore your options. Anxiety exists to guide and protect us from harm. Examine your emotions and be aware when they are inappropriate. Question the way you consider your status as a worthwhile person and how valuable you are to yourself and others. (more…)

  • Therefore

    (or: one possible answer to wherefore?)

    by Daniel di Primio

    This essay shall intend to find an explanation for the many questions concerning life, existence, and reason with the help of a hiddenly active “godly” or transcendental force, in order to offer a possible meaningfully establishing onset for the solution of the “Conditio Humana” – the consciousness of eventually having to die – respectively of being able to resolve this condition without fear. (more…)

  • Self Transformation

    By : Lt Col RK Langar

    Self transformation means changing ourselves from our present state of existence to a higher state. It is based on the assumption that all men are not perfect at birth but can become so with self-effort. Self transformation presupposes that there is something in a person, which needs to be changed for the better. (more…)

  • Good Karma, Bad Karma by Lt. Col RK Langar

    Two things disturb man considerably. One is when he undergoes sufferings either physically or mentally and two when he finds that he does not get recognition for his efforts. In both cases man compares himself with others who are considered as better than himself and draws his own conclusions. When a man suffers he invariably asks ‘Why Me’ of all the persons, should suffer. Then when he is not rewarded for his efforts his immediate reaction is ‘Why not Me’ since he considers himself as good and at times even better than those whose efforts have won them recognition. Man is caught in the whirlpool of ‘Why Me’ and ‘Why not Me’ and suffers unnecessarily. (more…)

  • A Change Has Got to Come

    by Jay North

    Delivered to Jay through Leonard J. Mountain Chief; Blackfeet Elder from Northwest Montana

    During my ten year relationship with my beloved adopted father Leonard J. Mountain Chief, Leonard conveyed many important messages with me. He emphasized the importance for vitally needed changes for planet Earth and the people who inhabit her. These messages are of significant importance and certainly more valuable than mere opinion. His visions and views that he asked Jay to share many years ago are vitally important to be shared now, in this time and place before our time here runs out. (more…)

  • Spirit Talk with Leonard J Mountain Chief

    by Jay North

    As an eight-year-old boy, Jay North read about the native people in Montana and always believed his dreams would lead him there one day. But it was not until 1990 that Jay and his late wife Pamela were able to retire from the organic farming business and make the life-changing move to the Big Sky country of Jay’s dreams.


    Jay met Leonard J. Mountain Chief in Kalispell one day in 1990, and from their first meeting a strong bond was made, which continued until Leonard’s passing in 1999 and beyond. (more…)