Good Karma, Bad Karma by Lt. Col RK Langar

Two things disturb man considerably. One is when he undergoes sufferings either physically or mentally and two when he finds that he does not get recognition for his efforts. In both cases man compares himself with others who are considered as better than himself and draws his own conclusions. When a man suffers he invariably asks ‘Why Me’ of all the persons, should suffer. Then when he is not rewarded for his efforts his immediate reaction is ‘Why not Me’ since he considers himself as good and at times even better than those whose efforts have won them recognition. Man is caught in the whirlpool of ‘Why Me’ and ‘Why not Me’ and suffers unnecessarily.

Take the first case when man undergoes sufferings in life. While it is true that no one wants to suffer but sufferings still make their appearance in the life of a person. Man suffers not because of others’ faults but due to his own misdoings in this life or in the past lives. The Law of cause and effect or the Law of Karma underscores that man’s actions would produce consequences as per their quality. Each individual is a separate entity as far as his worldly life is concerned though spiritually we all are one as the same God permeates our soul. When a man is born on earth, the consequences of his past acts unfold in the present life giving joy and sorrow or pleasures and pain. When something goes wrong in our life we are quick in putting the blame on others for our miseries. This is not a correct action. Man must accept responsibility of all happenings of his life since these are related to his own doings. He is himself responsible for all that is happening in his present life or should we say he is accountable for his acts of the past which are producing their effects in the present. We can surely take action to mitigate our sufferings by performing good deeds which would reduce the effect of our suffering. The other things which we should keep in mind that sufferings will also disappear as suffering are not meant to stay for the rest of our life. The best way of facing sufferings is that we should rise above both pleasure and pain. When we transcend something, we do not involve our selves with it. If you do not feel excited about pleasure of life then you would not be unduly disturbed by the pain you meet.

When man is not rewarded for his efforts, he becomes jealous of those who have obtained recognition. Jealousy produces hatred for others which according to latest scientific data is the root cause of human diseases. The golden rule is that it.

If your efforts are not recognized or have not been awarded, you need to put in more efforts to achieve recognition. It is as simple and straightforward as that. If you believe in this you are bound to succeed. A sincere effort can never go waste. Everything happens at the right time. The moment you deserve, you would get what you deserve. The Gita advises us that man should work to the best of his ability and not bother himself of the results. If the result is favourable, your effort is acknowledged. If it is not then your effort is not upto the mark and you need to put in more effort you must base your success on sincere hard work and not fluke. There is no need for you to consult an astrologer if you believe, as you should, that your hard and sincere work shall always be acknowledged. Some failures in life does not mean that you lose interest in life. Have zest for life and always give your best wholeheartedly. Always be energetic, genuine and honest and never, pose as something which you actually are not. Always be yourself and use your free will to improve your performance.

We must also know our weaknesses and try to annihilate them by the process of self analysis and self examination. Make use of self help. Bhagavadgita informs us that the man is his friend as well as enemy. It is your innerself which would always tell you whether you are good or bad. So hear your inner voice and act on it for self elevation. When you act rightly based on your self-assessment you are your best friend. If you act wrongly then you are your own enemy. We must also remember that man has an intuition higher then his intellect which can guide him to move in the right direction.

Our effort should be to be a man of values in addition to being a man of success. We have to build up certain qualities that define character. They are love, truthfulness, non violence, righteousness and caring, shearing  and accepting others. When we focus on such qualities we develop ourselves internally and our life becomes active and dynamic both mentally as well as physically.

Col RK Langar 0 99101 59776


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