
(or: one possible answer to wherefore?)

by Daniel di Primio

This essay shall intend to find an explanation for the many questions concerning life, existence, and reason with the help of a hiddenly active “godly” or transcendental force, in order to offer a possible meaningfully establishing onset for the solution of the “Conditio Humana” – the consciousness of eventually having to die – respectively of being able to resolve this condition without fear.

There will often be references made to “God”, the “godly” or “from the God”, without implicating the meaning of the many gods in the religions of the world or specifically the humanly God of the western religions. Moreover, the author shall herein try to grasp the godly through the description of a divine activity and search for an immortal and eternal condition of being, contained within all forms and manifestations of existence known to us.

Part 1: Experience

Let us look at and observe our surroundings in life and this world of ours: we see colors and forms, we hear varied sounds and music, we feel cold and warmth, we touch smoothness and ruggedness, we smell the stench and the fragrances, we taste sweet and sour. Our five senses, our feelings, our thoughts and our actions are continually making impressions upon our being, starting from our birth until our death. And we are not only just ourselves filled with these impressions. Moreover, we fill and let ourselves be filled and influenced by them and other people in our environment. We know, that our brain plays the leading role in the processing, control and assimilation of the diverse bodily functions in human beings, namely through its huge complexity and information storage capacity. In addition to all that, it finds the time to evoke a function in us called “consciousness”. A wonder!

And this is exactly why we must fail when trying to grasp and explain these many functions of the brain, of life and existence itself, not even to mention the fact of finding a sense of reason therein. Because how could a system investigate and explain itself from the inside? The system that wants to be analysed and grasped consists of that system itself. Thus this cannot be possible. The myriads of scientists that nevertheless insist on explaining everything tell us about waves and particles, even about a mix of both: particle waves, they report on atoms and strings, they talk about radiation, life functions as biochemical processes, about masses and gravitation, about energy and black holes. A moment of thoughtful reflection tells us that these are all human models that are intended to ideally grasp and possibly explain respectively predict phenomenae, they cannot understand the “reality” or “existence” itself. Their claim (without proof as it is) that the Universe suddenly came into existence in a big explosion due to the unbearable strain within the absolute nothingness escapes our senses.

But even long before there were scientists on Earth we were nevertheless perfectly able to manage our lives by using the best tool we possess: the human ability to consciously witness what is taking place around us, thus making experiences respectively being able to remember them. I can “see” because I am actually living this experience and I am able to communicate it and thus share it with other persons who are experiencing the same at this very moment. The same statement also applies to experiences we make with all our other senses, capabilities, feelings and actions.

The next step in our evolution consisted of finding suitable names and notions for the material and felt phenomena of human experience in order to be able to share them with others, and therefore allowing their classification and evaluation. Organisation is the fundamental principle of life and existence, since we must overcome the chaos of the 2nd Principle of Thermodynamics: Entropie, which states that every system left alone to itself shall strive for a natural state of higher disorder. Matter and Life are therefore two highly developed and organised systems that define their being. Energy probably not, but we shall have to look into this statement later on with more reflection.

Part 2: Evolution

How then can we imagine in which manner the development of our Universe took place? There are, in fact, a number of specific observations performed by our scientists which are compatible in some sense with our intuitive and felt everyday experiences, so that we may consider them as plausible.

Let us stop and observe the starry sky on a summer night somewhere in the countryside: our naked eye shall be able to distinguish just about 5500 fixed stars, with the most powerful telescopes some billions. Space telescopes, which are positioned in an orbit high above Earth´s milky atmosphere, have even much higher capabilities of observation, so that they can make out distant galaxies and nebulae. But we do not only see just stars. Moreover, we shall be able to watch even more shining celestial objects, such as moons, planets, comets, our own man made satellites, and the ISS Space Station on its orbit around Earth. The nearest big star to us is our beloved Sun, without whom life on Earth would not be possible, about 8 light minutes far away. The distance to the next farthest fixed star is 4 light years, and to reach the nearest galaxy Andromeda it´s a 2.5 million light year trip. So what is actually visible in the heavens has already become history: we see the Sun as our radiant companion looked like 8 minutes ago, because the light that shone from it took 8 minutes to travel through space and reach our eyes. An extraterrestrial observer in only 6623 trillion kilometers far away from Earth, using a fantastically powerful telescope, would see our Middle Ages transcur.

But that´s still not the whole story: the visible light spectrum of both near and distant stars observed from Earth undergoes a so-called “red shift” (named “Doppler Effect”), just like the tone of a siren from an ambulance sounds deeper when it is travelling swiftly away from us compared to when it´s standing still. That´s because all the stars, like in a big explosion, are moving at incredible speeds in space (as far as this may be observable from our Earth), thereby spreading out and simultaneously moving away from each other. Moreover, the most distant stars travel proportionally faster than the nearer stars, the more they are further away from an imaginary center of our Universe. This in turn means that, seen from our perspective (i.e. Solar System), the stars ahead of us move faster through space than we do, and we are faster than the stars behind us. Neighbouring stars move away from us correspondingly. All objects are moving. Nothing, absolutely nothing in our Universe is not in motion. The Universe is expanding in every direction like a balloon, taking us with him on this trip without an obvious end to history. Something extraordinarily big and mighty seems to have exploded very long ago in the center of our Universe. The Universe is thereby undergoing a continuous process of change and evolution. Matter, space and time were thus born, life developed on Earth, and finally our human consciousness arose. But in spite of all this, we actually came from Stardust.

It becomes additionally even more interesting when we dive into the microcosmos of the subatomic world: the atoms dance in ecstasy! The more you try to catch them by confining them into smaller and gradually narrower space, the faster they quiver. Moreover, the distances in the space between the nucleus of the atom and the like minute planets orbiting electrons around them are comparable to the respective distances between the Sun and its planets. Why then not assume that our Universe is also nothing else than a piece of matter with borders as seen from the outside of it? And what of the many other universes besides our own Universe? How many other universes are there? (Ever heard about Multiverses?) If we investigate the nature of matter even further and let protons, neutrons and electrons crash against each other with great energy, we shall find with astonishment that there are even more smaller particles which made them up, that can magically become energy, then matter, and once again from the beginning. We may thus summarize: a piece of matter is actually mostly made up of empty space, just like our Universe (whether this space is really empty, that´s a point scientists are still figuring out). Beneath it we shall find something without which we would never be able to manage: Energy, material as well as immaterial, hard and solid (or also less solid), and Radiation (empty space could maybe also be composed of energy: see the force of Gravitation). Matter having the mass “m” possesses according to Einstein´s equation: E=mc2 an incredibly great amount of energy. Matter is Energy, however Energy is not necessarily Matter. If therefore the begin of our Universe is characterized by an incredibly powerful explosion, then we as human beings cannot possibly be able even to imagine the immense magnitude of energy released at that point in time that has created the Universe we actually perceive today.

Energy is described with some important properties and attributes that we also use to depict a “God” within our imagination: Energy cannot be destroyed, yet it can transform itself, it is almighty and it is omnipresent. Everything is made of Energy, or: God is in everything that is. If we follow this line of thinking even further, we shall then see God´s evolution: Matter is made of Energy, Life comes forth out of Matter, mind and consciousness unfold from Life, and God beholds Himself. In the development of God´s immortality we shall too achieve our own human immortality of consciousness, since both Energy and Matter already are immortal (i.e. indestructible), and Life has also reached a state of immortality through reproduction. The only last element of existence missing is our human consciousness. Man´s mission is thus to ultimately accomplish the immortality of consciousness.

Part 3: Epilogue

So, how do we go from here? (the reader may ask himself at this point). How does this whole being help me in paying my bills? And I shall answer: we all already have everything that we need, there is enough for everybody, there is no reason to fear Death anymore. We must live “our” lives. In the manner that we live “well”, we serve ourselves, and thus the God. And anybody that still has doubts about the existence of a divine cause, I must tell him/her, that we ourselves are gods! Life can only live from other Life. The so-called “cellular power plants”, the Mitochondria, work in our bodies. These are so-called “Organelles” having their own DNA (or Genome), therefore actually separate living beings, which developed from an early state in the evolution of the so-called “Eukaryotes”, most probably by engulfing Bacteria in Endosymbiosis (i.e. “living together”). (Many thanks go to Wikipedia for this description!). Mitochondria do not develop alone, but on the contrary come forth by division. During cell segmentation, they are passed on from parent to child cells. We live because they live in and through us. We have come to an arrangement of Life, we feed them, therefore they feed us. They have it nice and cosy and we in exchange have the immense wealth of sensory perceptions and the wonderful diversity of human experiences. Moreover, our food was also once alive. It is then the task of our helpful servants in the intestinal flora that process and decompose the nutrient elements such, that these may proceed into our blood system, and thus to all bodily cells. If it were possible for our little helpers to attain consciousness, they would perhaps think to themselves: nice and cosy here in the gut, always warm and good for our reproduction, get fed all the time, and it´s all given. Then there must be a god that looks after us and cares about our well-being! At times we have war and we are attacked by other selfish beings that would very much like to enjoy the same conditions we live in. But in most cases we are able to defend ourselves and our life style and then we can recover from the assault, so everything is nice again. We observe: micro lives like macro.

The moment we grasp that virtually everything is perfused by godly essence and life energy, by the will to exist, to live and to unfold itself farther, that is filled by curiosity and the joy of being, then we are participating in the greatest miracle ever of Existence and Life, and we are simply thankful. Life´s purpose develops therefrom, but also the responsibility for human existence as a whole. The people who are lucky to be strong have the responsibility to help those people that need help these days, being self-conscious of the fact, that they too shall be helped by others some day in the future. Like it has been already mentioned: there is enough of everything for everybody, now, at this very moment. We should however be careful of wasting our limited resources on Earth. Most of our problems nowadays, maybe even all of them (ecological destruction, climate change, wars, diseases, epidemic outbreaks, famines, etc.), can be easily solved by a responsible population control. At the moment when at last every one of us may live “his/her” life, we overcome the “Conditio Humana”. “God sleeps in the stone, breathes through the flower, stirs in the animal, and awakens in Man.”


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