Author: abracad

  • I Am that I Am

    “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations. Neither are you here to live up to mine.” so runs the opening lyric of Peter Tosh’s reggae classic I am That I am.

    Much of the plentiful grief in this world derives from intolerance, the inability to accept others who may differ from oneself in behavior or belief. And yet the world is big enough to accommodate all manner of diversity. (more…)

  • Is this Proof of Reincarnation?

    Today’s UK Daily Mail carries a fascinating article Reincarnated! Our son is a World War II pilot come back to life. It concerns a two-year old boy, James Leininger, who began having recurring nightmares of being trapped in a burning plane. He appeared to be re-living the horror of being shot down in WWII. (more…)

  • I See Your Dream Job

    Finding our life’s true purpose is probably the singular most important thing we’ll do, for once we’ve found it we can then devote our energies with total commitment towards its fulfillment. new age spirituality is delighted to present this Q&A with Career Intuitive Sue Frederick, author of I SEE YOUR DREAM JOB:
    Q.  What inspired you to write I SEE YOUR DREAM JOB? (more…)

  • Do Animals Have Souls?

    The question of whether animals have souls appears to be something of a slippery slope. If apparently sentient creatures like dogs or rabbits have souls, how about insects? bacteria and viruses? plants? Where can one draw the line? (more…)

  • What Was My Past Life?

    Does your life contain recurrent themes that occur for no explicable reason? Were you born with certain innate difficulties or talents that have no bearing on your personal history or circumstances? Perhaps the answer lies in a past life… (more…)

  • Revelations – Talking to the Dead

    It was with some trepidation that I sat down to watch a recording of this UK Channel 4 documetary on Spiritualism, as some investigations of this discipline throw objectivity out the window. I need not have worried. (more…)

  • Past Lives, Present Issues

    Reincarnation is the belief that we consist of a distinct soul, separate from our physical body, that continues to exist after physical death and is capable of being re-born repeatedly into different bodies at different times and in different circumstances.

    Reincarnation is accepted by many religions including Hinduism and Buddhism. It also appears to be a part of Christianity as the New Testament describes the Disciples asking Jesus: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” [John 9:2] (more…)

  • Changing the Future

    by Tom T. Moore – Copyright 2009

    Perhaps you’ve asked yourself how can we raise the vibrational level of everyone in order to lift ourselves to a fifth dimensional level? Well it’s actually much easier than you can imagine—so easy that many will not believe it can be so simple. (more…)

  • Free ebook on out of body travel

    “School of Out-of-Body Travel – 1. A Practical Guidebook” by Michael Raduga

    Michael Raduga, founder of the School of Out-of-body travel is making his ebook available for free.

    The book is about out-of-body experience(OBE), astral projection and lucid dreaming and all of this as one state of brain and how to learn it. There is no theories. Just practice! (more…)

  • The Power of Words

    Language might be considered the major difference between humanity and our fellow beings. Without the power of words, spoken and written, it is highly unlikely we would have achieved a fraction of the progress witnessed today.

    It is often said that the pen is mightier than the sword. One may wonder, given the capabilities of modern technology. But every piece of technology began with an idea – expressed in words. And every deployment of that technology – for better or worse – begins with a word. (more…)