Author: abracad

  • Embrace Change

    Sometimes in life we actively seek change. We are dissatisfied with our present conditions, or we are satisfied but believe we could be even more satisfied if some things were different. This is healthy, though the latter state more so, because it gives us purpose, reason for being. And he stronger our purpose the greater the energy we are able to find to pursue life to its full potential. (more…)

  • How Spiritual Should I Be?

    People engage with the concept of Spirituality in many different ways and degrees of intensity.

    Perhaps they are inspired by organized religion, or an unrelated Web search leads them that way by chance, a particular title catches their eye at the bookstore, they visit a psychic (from need, curiosity or both), they attend a Spiritualist meeting…

    It’s not a question of whether we should be Spiritual, or how Spiritual we should be. We are Spiritual and can’t be anything else. (more…)

  • Seek Understanding, Not Perfection

    Are you a perfectionist? Do you demand perfection from yourself, from the rest of the world, or both?

    Perfectionism is good. It drives you to give your best, to constantly aim bigger, better, higher… But the perfectionist is inevitably destined for frustration. (more…)

  • The Mind: Interface to Eternity

    The mind is an invaluable tool, our roadmap and compass through life and a window to our true being and the reality to which it belongs. Understanding the nature of mind is the first step to exploiting its full potential.

    Modern science makes no distinction between body and mind and makes no allowance whatsoever for the soul. (more…)

  • The Train

    You’re stranded at a deserted train station late at night, it’s raining and it’s cold. There’s a waiting room to shelter, but you want and need to be home.

    An old train pulls up. The carriage is filthy and stinking and the wheels make a terrible, almost unbearable, noise. But the train is heading for home.

    If you wait, a nice, comfortable, modern homebound train might come along. Or it might not. What do you do? (more…)

  • Achieving Success In The 21st Century: The “New” Rules of Engagement

    by Linda Zander

    All the “sure” boats to success have seemingly gone down.  On a daily basis I hear people muttering a new belief: “Success just isn’t possible right now.”  The drive to achieve ones goals, dreams and aspirations have been chucked overboard as impossible rubbish and have been replaced with a new belief:  “It’s a desperate time where the best one can hope for is to just make it through without losing everything.”  (more…)

  • Is the Universe Indifferent?

    Some scientists, such as the atheist biologist Richard Dawkins, say we live in an indifferent universe. The universe, and all that it contains, exists purely by chance. There is no meaning, no significance, everything simply just is.

    But surely our personal experience tells a different story. The universe must care, because we care. The very fact you’re reading these words shows you care enough to want to know more. But more than this, people care about each other. Society is so filled with selflessness, within your intimate circle you undoubtedly know someone who helps others with no thought of personal reward. (more…)

  • Watching Your Spiritual & Emotional Welfare

    by T Stokes

    The human body can contain 200 different species of life, 80 of those live in the gut. The best known of these are lice and mites, and a square centimetre of human skin can harbour 10 million bacteria, more so in the bowel, through waste and sweat we excrete nearly one trillion bacteria every day. (more…)

  • Dogs, Destiny and Free Choice

    Ever wondered what you have in common with a pet dog being taken for a walk on an extendable leash? The dog has a limited freedom, sometimes greater than others, but the overall pathway is always determined by his master.

    One of life’s most perplexing questions is whether we really have free choice. Experience tells us that we make numerous choices every day – what to wear, what to eat, what tasks to prioritize… (more…)

  • Self Esteem Affirmations, Words To Empower You

    by Greg Frost

    There is a lot of relationship and synergy going around when talking about affirmation and self esteem and this is why. The problem with low confidence is belief and the existence of a paramount amount of negative energy. This energy can come in the form of insults, failures, stress and other negative factors that have the effect of lowering your self confidence on a daily basis. (more…)