new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

The World

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, purpose, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Q:   Why does the world as we know it exist?

A:   The world is a magnificent cornucopia, filled with wondrous and delightful items. Here we can find exactly what we are looking for.  If we seek enjoyment of the senses, there are many opportunities. Similarly if we seek to learn and draw closer to our higher self, this opportunity exists as well.

In part, the earth phase of our existence is an opportunity to learn, create and experience all the parts of self and grow closer to that which we wish to become. (more…)

The Importance of Breath in Yoga

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, yoga

by Bipin Baloni

Summary: This article aims to inform its readers the role of breath in yoga.

The act of breathing is well known to all of us and we naturally perform this art all time by taking about 25000 breaths a day. But have you ever pondered upon the importance of breath beyond the support for staying physically alive? Well, breath is the vital force necessary to live. A popular adage goes, “Breathe Well and Live Well." However, we use only a fraction of our lung capacity to breathe taking shallow and fast breaths which deprives the body of oxygen and prana, the two core essentials for leading a healthy life.

The discipline of yoga incorporates the practice of pranayama (yogic breathing techniques). And, yoga is the perfect route to learn the various kinds of pranayama and correct techniques of practicing yogic breathing that rewards the body, mind, and soul in unbelievable ways. The pranayama practices draw our attention to the subtle layers of our breath and teach us the art of conscious and deep breathing that enhances the quality of prana, lengthens the years of life, and tranquilizes the mind.



abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

Niánn Emerson Chase

There are so many challenges we human beings have to face and resolve in order to have a life of dignity, purpose, fulfillment, and happiness. In many places on the planet millions of people have much to overcome in order to merely stay alive; they don't even consider improving the quality of their lives, just that they physically survive another hour or another day.

In considering my own overcoming-and-transcending processes throughout the years, I have come to the conclusion that the largest blockage to my peace of mind and enjoyment of life has been myself.

The Smeagol-Gollum Syndrome

One of the most notable characters in The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings books by J.R.R. Tolkien, which were also made into a series of movies, is the creature Gollum who was consumed with getting his "preciousssss" back. When the good and sincere hobbit, Frodo, met Gollum, he recognized something in him. Frodo recognized that at one time Gollum had been a more comely, kinder, lovable personality. In fact, Gollum belonged to a people similar to the gentle hobbits. What happened to Gollum? What circumstances and choices led to Gollum's monstrous physical appearance and his pitifully devious and deadly ways? (more…)

Signs from Mother ?

abracad, · Categories: paranormal phenomena

My mum passed away last year after suffering from dementia. During her illness she seemed to acquire some psychic ability (Alzheimer's and Psychic Ability), additionally within 2 days of her passing the element in the oven inexplicably blew while we were discussing her and whether there is such a thing as spirit.

Last Saturday I thought I saw mum in town. Someone VERY much like her was sitting in an armchair by the window in a cafe looking out. I must have stared because 'this lady' looked back at me, her gaze followed me as I walked on, not angry, not smiling, just blank, a look that was characteristic of mum. She had the same hair, same staring eyes (like she had in the dementia home), a blue coat and blue/white patterned skirt, just as my mum would wear. (more…)

Beat Your Insomnia With Yoga - 5 Yoga Poses For Insomnia

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, yoga

by Manmohan Singh

Summary: Difficulty falling asleep? Don’t worry and read this blog to know some effective yoga poses to beat insomnia.


A Restful sleep is required for the recovery and proper functioning of the body. On an average, a person should sleep for 7-8 hours daily. Sleeping is a natural process, but there are people who are facing issue with this most natural process of sleeping.

Sleeping disorders are becoming quite common these days. We can blame the stressful life to an extent. Hectic lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, technology, etc., lead to a poor quality of sleep and also sleep deprivation. Insomnia can lead to various ailments, but with the help of yoga, you can keep all of them at bay.

Here is amazingly effective yoga poses to beat insomnia and deal with a majority of sleep-related issues. (more…)

Soon Signs Of Exoplanet Life Close By TESS

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, science and spirituality
Rabbi Allen S. Maller
In the 20 years before NASA launched the Kepler Space Telescope in 2009, about 325 exoplanets were discovered. Kepler was a full-time planet hunter that revolutionized astronomers’ understanding of exoplanets. It was particularly interested in finding Earth-sized planets orbiting sun-like stars at a distance where water on the surface could be stable in liquid form — the so-called habitable zone.
In the 9 years to date, data from Kepler have turned up 2,343 confirmed and 2,244 candidate exoplanets; and revealed that there could be more planets than stars in the Milky Way. Many of them are in multiple-planet systems like our solar system, and a large share of the exoplanets appear to be super-Earths — a class that’s bigger than our planet but smaller than Neptune.
Now TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite which launches this week, will scan almost all of the sky for nearby stars in order to find planets that are smaller than Neptune, with a radius less than about four times that of Earth. A few of the worlds TESS finds may be small, rocky bodies, like Earth. And a few of those might, just possibly, be habitable places for life as we know it.
When TESS does get up, it will stare at stars for weeks at a time, hoping to catch the dips in brightness that occur when orbiting worlds traverse their faces. The expectation is that it could identify some 2,000-3,000 planets in its first two years of operation.
The satellite, which carries four camera-detectors, will essentially compile a catalogue that other telescopes - both on the ground and in space - can then focus in on for more detailed analysis.


How can we receive guiding visions from the Universe?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Sara Wiseman

When you start to to follow Divine guidance, you begin to experience life differently.

You recognize that all the plans you have made and all the thoughts you are thinking are ways of moving through this reality we call life.

This is the way most of the world moves.

But you also realize that this left brain, rational way of thinking is not the only way you can walk your path.

There is another option.

You can follow your intuition. Or better put: You can allow yourself to be guided. (more…)

Why Should One Practice Ashtanga Yoga

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, yoga

by Manmohan Singh

Summary: Do not hesitate to take up the wonder practice of Ashtanga yoga. A mystical yoga style with multiple benefits. Read this blog to discover why one should practice Ashtanga yoga.

For many people Ashtanga yoga is an extremely challenging and way too exhausting yoga style. Is this the true essence of Ashtanga yoga for many people or are these merely outdated prejudices? Indeed, Ashtanga yoga involves four series, structured postures and demands a lot of discipline and commitment on the part of practitioners. Nevertheless, the challenging Ashtanga yoga is a huge gift for all those who practice, it allows them to take up the practice independently, putting them in a position where they develop on a daily basis.

The daily practice of Ashtanga yoga rewards the individuals with the gems of peace, serenity, and well-being. This mind-body practice is often touted for its numerous physical and psychical benefits that keep practitioners in the sound shape of health.

Here are some of the notable reasons for practicing Ashtanga yoga: (more…)

Sacred Sexuality With A Divine Consort

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, religion, spirituality

by Rabbi Allen S. Maller

Solomon’s Song of Songs begins with: “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; for your love is more delightful than wine.” (1:1-2) Who is this bold, assertive female? What does she desire from her lover? How and why is this book of love song poems, so unlike the Book of Psalms, in our Sacred Scriptures? (more…)

How does nature communicate with us?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Sara Wiseman

We all know that the animal world communicates with us: we have either experienced this directly in our own lives, or seen it happening with others.

Sometimes, this level of communication is astounding: we have all heard the tale of a school of dolphins saving a person struggling in rough surf; the elephant that cries upon being rescued from chains; the dog who welcomes a family member home.

These are beautiful, heartwarming methods of communication with other mammals: our species, part of our extended family.

Sometimes, the way we communicate with animals is mystic: the wild deer or cougar or eagle who appears seemingly out of nowhere as totem, sent by the Universe to provide a clear and direct sign. Even the reptilian world shows up to give us Universal direction: the snake on the path in a region where there are no snakes.

But does the non-animal, non-reptilian world—by this I mean the sentient plant world—communicate directly with us? (more…)