Five yoga poses for a healthy body and mind

by Manmohan Singh

Summary: A healthy body and mind are the prerequisites for living a fulfilling life. Learn the five best yoga poses for overall health through this blog.

“Health is Wholeness”

The traditional texts claim that when a person feels complete in their body, mind, and spirit, that is when an individual is voraciously healthy. The experience of wholeness is possible only when one’s body, mind, and energy function at a certain level of intensity within oneself.

The proper cultivation of energies within the system is important for keeping the physical and psychical body in perfect health. And, the science of union– Yoga is an ideal step towards balancing the energies of the body for the manifestation of a miracle, a body-mind capable of much more than just health.

The classical technique of yoga starts with the body, then breath, and finally the mind. The body has its own attitude and ego. Yoga shows the practitioners the way to discipline, purify, and to prepare the body for higher energies. Through the practice of yoga, the individuals can take their body to the state where a healthy mind can reside. Yoga is a wholesome technique that allows the entities to explore the nature of their mental activity, emotional state, attitude, assisting in the creation of an atmosphere where the body, mind, and spirit are in harmony.

A daily investment in the yogic science is the key towards inner wellbeing and engineering of the body-mind to exist in a state of perfect health. These five yoga poses for a healthy body and mind make the sadhaks capable of living a satisfactory life.

1 Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Mountain pose is the mother of standing yoga postures and is regarded for balance and good body stance.

Steps: Stand on a yoga mat with erect spine and arms by your side.

Widen the legs and keep them feet-width apart.

Stretch the arms upward with body weight on the toes.

Feel the stretch in your body from head to toe

Hold this pose for 30 seconds.


It is advisable to avoid the practice of mountain pose if you are experiencing a headache, low blood pressure, and insomnia.


The beginners can perform this pose against a wall.

For a calm mind, the individuals can join the hands in front of the heart.

Mountain Pose

2 Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

The tree pose emulates the calmness, strength, and vitality of a tree. The pose offers physical, mental, and spiritual stability to the entities.

Steps: Stand upright on the floor with weight evenly distributed across the feet.

Establish your right foot completely into the ground.

Fold the right leg at the knee and place the foot on the right thigh, either above or below the knee, whichever is comfortable.

Join the hands in Anjali Mudra and look straight in front.

Hold this pose for 30 seconds.


Practitioners with hypertension should not raise their arms upward.

Do not practice the pose if you feel lightheaded.


Beginners can rest the foot against the calf muscle or the ankle.

For extra support, practice it against the wall or a chair.

Tree Pose

3 Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

A rejuvenating pose for the upper body and the nervous system.

Steps: Come on your fours. Spread the fingers on the yoga mat.

Stretch the elbows and relax the shoulders, chest, neck, and head.

Curl the toes under and extend the legs behind.

Bring the body into “A” shape.

Gaze at the navel.

Stay in this pose for 60 seconds.


Do not practice the pose if you have carpal tunnel syndrome or are in late-trimester of pregnancy.

People with arm, shoulder, or back injuries should also avoid this pose.


Practitioners can stretch one leg at a time to come into the downward dog stance.

Release the neck tension by placing the head on a yoga block.

Downward-Facing Dog Pose

4 Bridge Pose (Setu-Bandhasana)

An excellent remedy for the lower back problems and spine stiffness.

Steps: Lie in a supine position. Relax the body and calm the mind.

Bend the knees and with an exhalation, lift the lower body up from the floor.

Rest the shoulders and head on the ground.

Extend the arms and interlock the fingers on a yoga mat under the lower back.

Hold the pose for 60 seconds.


Refrain from this pose if you have shoulder or neck injury.


Place a bolster under the sacrum for support.

People with tight shoulders can keep the arms alongside the body.

bridge pose

5 Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

Condition the muscles and joints of the body with Triangle Pose.

Steps: Begin in a mountain pose with feet hip-distance-apart.

Place the right foot at 90-degree angle and left foot at 45-degree angle.

Bring the right hand in the same direction of the right foot and place it on the ground.

Stretch the left arm up parallel to the floor.

Gently look at the left thumb.

Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds.


Practitioners with low blood pressure should not perform this pose.


People suffering from high blood pressure and neck injury should look straight in a forward direction.

Do not rest the hand on the knee as it creates pressure on the knee.

Triangle Pose

Don’t just dream of a robust physical-mental health,  instead embrace it to the fullest with Yoga for a healthy body and mind.

Manmohan Singh

Author Bio: Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He provides Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India. He loves writing and reading the books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas.


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