
  • Solution to Complex Problems

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    In solving problems, people look for one step solutions. We regularly search for and propose singular approaches to often very complex problems. Now this technique works sometimes, where one adjustment or change results in a useful outcome. We must recognize this is the way our mind works: looking for the most expedient, uncomplicated remedy.

    Yet, many problems, particularly social problems can only be ‘fixed’ with multiple and varied approaches that depend upon changing circumstance and require adjustment over a period of years. Yet, people continue to propose one solution and often debate that their way is the correct way to make things happen. Hence, there are arguments, particularly, when the solution requires a ‘political remedy.’  People have opposing agendas and often cannot agree on which approach to use; they fear they will lose and have to give something up. (more…)

  • The City of Babel and its Tower

    Rabbi Allen S. Maller
    The conventional interpretation of the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9) is that humanity arrogantly challenged God’s space by building a tower; with its head reaching up to the heavens. Genesis Rabbah (38:6) explains that they planned to do battle with God in His heavenly abode. This idea is also found in the version of the narrative found in the Qur’an, where the Pharaoh mockingly and arrogantly asks his associate Haman to build a lofty tower. Pharaoh said: “O Haman! Fire up (a kiln to bake bricks) of clay, and build me a lofty tower, that I may mount up to the God of Moses: but as far as I am concerned, I think (Moses) is a liar!” (Qur’an 28:38).
    However, a careful reading of the Torah text shows that what they built was not just a tower, but an entire city made out of manufactured uniform bricks (Gen. 11:3-4); and the reason they built the city and the tower was not to challenge God or invade the heavens, but to make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the whole earth (Gen. 11:4).
    In the aftermath of a catastrophically destructive flood, many generations of humans were fearful and anxiety-ridden. They felt very weak and vulnerable; and they only wanted to huddle together in one place. Humanity did not want curiosity to lead people to explore other locations and thus promote change and development. 

    This went against God’s blessing to fill up the earth in Genesis 9:7. Similarly, they did not want to expand their knowledge and vocabulary because that promotes nonconformity and diversity. Humans were proud that every single human being spoke the same language, and that their one language had only a few words (11:1, literal translation from the Hebrew).


  • Spiritual Writing & The World of Pond Stories

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    The following is a discussion generated by a letter from a reader of my new book: The World of Pond Stories; this recent inquiry offers an opportunity to have a discussion about the dynamics of spiritual writing and my experience while writing. Hope you enjoy this interchange.

    Inquiry Letter About Spiritual Writing

    Hi Stewart:

    As I was reading your latest book, I was wondering what your experience was like as you write them. The influence of the Idries Shah books is obvious in many places. I was particularly affected by the story of the Three Sisters which seemed to have a very similar impact to The Tale of the Sands.

    As an amateur composer of music, every so often I get into a mode where new music seems to be coming into my head from somewhere and all I need to do is to capture it. Other times, it feels like a more labored experience requiring a lot of trial and effort.

    So when you write your books, particularly the last one, is your everyday consciousness pretty much just acting as a receiver? A lot of the material feels like it was generated this way.

    Also, how aware are you of the multiple levels present of which every now and then I get a small glimpse? I suspect that some of your writing and things like the overall plot of the Turtle prophesy cannot be contrived by ordinary consciousness and refer to deep transformational processes. (more…)

  • Book Release – The World of Pond Stories – Dr. Stewart Bitkoff Latest Book Available for Purchase

    World of Pond

    The World of Pond Stories is the introductory book in Dr. Bitkoff’s new series. It will take readers on a trip to a wondrous land where pond creatures live in harmony and often work together to solve problems.

    These stories offer the opportunity for children and adult readers alike, to travel alongside amusing and delightful woodland characters that are expanding their hearts and minds. From “silver minnow catching” class; to humorous, yet meaningful exchanges among grasshoppers, turtles and dragonflies; to a mysterious quest with Master Turtle, you and the children in your life will enjoy reading about the spiritual journey of life in a unique and lighthearted way.

    world of pond stories

    To Purchase:
    Amazon: (Paperback $13.99 | Kindle $5.95)
    Stewart Bitkoff’s Online Store:

    Come, swim in the richness of your own spirit and journey to a magical place called The World of Pond. (more…)

  • Then There’s Only One Choice

    By Wolfgang Borchert

    This month marks the 70th anniversary of the death of Wolfgang Borchert, a young German writer who was seriously wounded in World War II then imprisoned for resistance activities. Physically destroyed, he lived only two years after the war. During that time he wrote antiwar literature that is widely read in Germany but little known in the USA, where it is currently most needed. His play about a traumatized veteran, DRAUSSEN VOR DER TÃœR (THE MAN OUTSIDE), brought him literary fame after his death. “Dann gibt es nur eins!” (“Then There’s Only One Choice”) is the last poem he wrote before his death in 1947 at the age of 26. It shows a perceptive foresight of the inevitability of global destruction unless the people of the world refuse to serve the military.

  • Essential Buddhism for Modern Life

    Buddhism is based on teachings of the Buddha (dharma), Siddhartha Gautama, who lived some 2500 years ago. It is estimated to have some 500 million followers, over 7% of the global population [Pew Research Center]. While traditionally considered an Eastern ‘religion’ it is gaining popularity in the West in recent years with some 4 million adherents in North America in 2010 [Pew Research Center], likely seen as an antidote to the perceived stresses and ultimate emptiness of modern life.

    Buddhism is more a philosophy than a religion. It has no God, but rather offers a description of the nature of reality and guidance on how a being with free will might negotiate that reality.

    The ultimate Buddhist goal of enlightenment can take a lifetime (or several) of the contemplative existence of a monk to reach. However, such devotion is not essential to benefit from Buddhist teachings, even in the midst of worldly life. (more…)

  • The Most Important Question Ever Asked

    What’s the Deal with Free Will?

    Whether or not we have free will is (arguably) the most significant question we ask about ourselves and the reality we inhabit. It is synonymous with: is (our) existence meaningful? (or just an accidental curiosity of indifferent fate?)

    What is Free Will?

    In a deterministic universe every event is the result of its causes, and in turn acts as causes to following events. There is no place for free will.

    However, science suggests that at its most fundamental level nature is not deterministic. It is governed by quantum mechanics which, to the best of current knowledge, means that fundamental particles behave randomly. But because there are so many of them, on aggregate they average out to appear deterministic. But randomness is not free will.

    Free will is the ability to act as a first cause, ie in some way that is not the result of preceding events. (more…)

  • How High We Can Climb?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Yesterday as I was waiting in line at the grocery store, it occurred to me that life has a way of coming full circle.  As I struggled with physical pain and growing impatience waiting, compounded by persistent aches, I remembered back to when I was a community worker helping severely disabled mentally ill people.  Often we would take small groups on outings; at the time, their favorite place was a local fast food restaurant.  Many times, a worker would order and bring it back to the table for a group member; the higher goal was to have a person order themselves; plan and place their order by waiting in line, count the change, make sure they got the right food and bring it back to the table to eat.

    For many this was a difficult task because of the steps involved, potential for error and inherent anxiety of looking foolish in front of others. Some people couldn’t easily count change or figure out what they wanted in relation to the amount of money they had available. (more…)

  • Spiritual Traveler: The Grand Bazaar

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Traveler:   What is the purpose of life?  From your perspective, why do we come here to live, work, experience, enjoy our self and then journey to another place?

    Master:       The great cycle of life is an opportunity to experience who we are on many different levels and join in partnership with the Creator.  Within each of us is a spark that is most like the Light.  We are sons and daughters of a King who have come here to create our own reality, daily.  Once we understand this, we can consciously use our many abilities and spiritual capacity to fully enjoy and participate in this multi-level experience called life.

    Life is the grand bazaar; an opportunity to do many things and have all kinds of adventures. (more…)

  • Self-Development: Variability & Singularity

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    I Wonder Why?

    Sometimes I wonder why
    There are so many people,
    And why
    There are thousands of birds,
    And why
    The earth is filled with insects,
    And why
    The ocean has all those fish,
    And why
    The land nourishes plants,
    And why
    There are so many things
    I can’t name them all.

    O Lord, is this endless variety
    To convince us You exist?



    When we were beginners on the spiritual path, there were many things we had to learn and experience.  One day while sitting in our teacher’s office, he offered the following words, which are expanded below and help frame this present discussion.  “Looking at the earth from the moon, all worry and care is lost in the majesty of the earth’s Oneness.”  Often we came looking for answers to life problems and this view- this mystical view of Oneness -was always the answer to life’s infinite variability and vulnerability.  While this view of Oneness was transitory- it would come and go- it was the antidote and when we were in this state we knew Infinite love and peace.

    Multiplicity of form and seemingly endless variability is a wonder and joy of creation and exists, in part, so we might question, why? It is part of the journey and part of the answer. (more…)