My mum passed away last year after suffering from dementia. During her illness she seemed to acquire some psychic ability (Alzheimer’s and Psychic Ability), additionally within 2 days of her passing the element in the oven inexplicably blew while we were discussing her and whether there is such a thing as spirit.
Last Saturday I thought I saw mum in town. Someone VERY much like her was sitting in an armchair by the window in a cafe looking out. I must have stared because ‘this lady’ looked back at me, her gaze followed me as I walked on, not angry, not smiling, just blank, a look that was characteristic of mum. She had the same hair, same staring eyes (like she had in the dementia home), a blue coat and blue/white patterned skirt, just as my mum would wear.
The experience made me ‘go cold’, I had to think if mum really had passed.
That day I was feeling mentally low, had been thinking about mum, and was on the way to her house to continue preparing it for sale.
So, was it:
i) Mistaken identity? Someone that resembled mum caused the mum-pattern recogniser in my brain (mum being the first and most significant object recognised) to fire, I stared in surprise and the person returned my gaze, and the resulting feeling further amplified by my mental low state.
ii) Hallucination, like i) but seeing much more of mum than was really there? There is a certain similarity about old people that mum shared, and the human brain is subject to illusion. Maybe there was someone similar, maybe my brain conjured the whole thing.
iii) Really mum! letting me know she’s there? Maybe an apparition, maybe ‘causing’ the actual person take on her appearance and mannerism.
NB: Sometimes I mis-recognise people, or fail to recognise people that I know, but I’ve never had any experience of that intensity, or concerning someone who’s passed.
The following day as I was walking past the mantel shelf at home one of mum’s china soldiers crashed to floor, seemingly with force. I was carrying my computer and diary under my arm as I frequently do and the walkway between the coffee table and mantel shelf was plenty wide enough for me to pass without risk of knocking things off, as I have done countless times previously. I was extremely shaken by this.
At the time this happened I was thinking about the previous day’s ‘sighting’ of mum and trying to rationalize it.
I later realised my daughter’s school certificate on quite heavy paper/card had recently been placed on the mantel behind the soldier, which was not so heavy. Experimenting, we found if the certificate fell it caused the soldier to wobble (but not topple). It’s possible that my walking past may have generated sufficient breeze to make the certificate fall with sufficient force to topple the soldier, though I was in no particular hurry at the time.
Although I loved my mum dearly she suffered from mental illness for many years and could be a difficult person and I have many unresolved feelings in relation to her.
The two experiences happening on consecutive days make me open to the likelihood that in some way mum is around, and is maybe trying to communicate something to me, but I don’t know what.
In the past I regularly attended Spiritualist meetings, seeking some reassurance that reality is bigger than the physical universe and transient life. I stopped doing so some 2 years ago feeling I had no more to learn from Spiritualism, though I have been occasionally since mum’s passing.
The day after the sighting (ie the day of the soldier incident) I attended a Spiritualist demonstration to allow the opportunity for mum to communicate, should that be the reason for the above events. I received no message.
Some 3 months after I happened to have some spare time and decided to attend a Spiritualist demonstration (without any particular expectation). This time I received a message which opened: “head dizzy, confused, like dementia. but also dizzy.” I accept this as good evidence as in addition to dementia mum suffered dizziness for many years. The medium continued: “she’s proud of what you’ve done, a lot of people couldn’t have done it.” This is also relevant as I’ve had sole responsibility for sorting mum’s affairs, a process which, for various reasons, has been complex and stressful.
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