‘Practicing The Presence’: Conversations With Yanni Part V

To accompany their recent study group on Joel Goldsmith’s book ‘Practicing The Presence’, Heather Smith and Yanni Charalambous continue to share thoughts, contemplations and short meditations on the ‘Infinite Way’ teachings. Heather offers comments on questions that have arisen from the group and introduces quotes from other Joel Goldsmith literature. The link for this YouTube video is available at the end of this article.

Yanni: ‘God’s grace flows out into the world as an invisible presence and as an invisible power of blessings through me!’ Please elaborate.

Heather: So far in our study of ‘Practicing The Presence’, Joel’s showed us that the blessings of Consciousness flows through the mind that’s a transparency or a vacuum, and he’s discussed the importance of being Still and how to do that. So, now, what truths can we know about this Life Force? Well, we can start by knowing that Life is invisible to the senses, and that it is an invisible Law, an invisible Power and Presence of Good. So, let’s explore these one by one.

Firstly: Spiritual LAW.

In Vol 2 of ‘The Heart Of Mysticism’’, (pg 94) Joel tells us:
‘There is an invisible law of Life acting upon everything in the universe, and it is this life-force, which we call Spirit, or God, that is the real substance, law and activity of one’s being’.

One of the ways we can know it is law is by observing It in action.

Yanni: Also, becoming aware of our emotions in order to let Life flow.

Heather: Yes. In ‘A Parenthesis In Eternity’, (pp 66-67), Joel shares this example:
‘A few years ago, a very severe winter was forecast for the Eastern and Middle Western parts of the United States, a prediction based on the fact that the animals were growing much thicker fur than usual, and that they were also storing up more than the customary amount of food for their use during the coming winter. But can an animal decide how much fur it is going to grow? Does an animal know that it is growing fur any more than we know that we are growing hair? Then, what is the underlying cause of the growth of fur on an animal, and why does the fur grow thicker in some years and thinner in others? What causes an animal to store up more food one year than another?’

This is God’s Omniscience.

Next, we can explore the subject of the omnipotence of Consciousness.

Spiritual POWER:

We’ve said that God is invisible and isn’t experienced directly through the senses. But we can discern the presence and power of Spirit through what Joel calls our ‘Soul facilities’. Let me explain what I mean by that. When we’re meditating and perhaps being still, resting in Awareness or ‘listening’ within, we may “feel” the activity of Being such as a fizzing, tingling, flowing, radiating, swirling etc. Consciousness can be experienced in infinite ways.

And then we discern the Truth of what we’re experiencing. As Joel says in ‘A Parenthesis’ again (pg 128):

‘God is the all-power, and that power operates in our consciousness in proportion as we know this truth. When we begin to realise God’s omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience, we shall need no power, and we shall live “not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit.” When we have learned not to resist evil, not to fight it, and not to try to get God to fight it for us, we will not have to labor for our good: we will receive it by Grace’.

Yanni: Saying ‘thank you’ to memories as they arise and not resisting them.

Heather: Yes, Barbara Muhl (who was a student of Joel Goldsmith) wrote a book called ‘The Royal Road to Reality’ in which she discusses the magnetic nature of thoughts and how we often unconsciously read each other’s ‘scripts’ until we become aware of what’s happening. And becoming conscious of this enables us to experience the One Presence that’s expressing through and as It’s own spiritual creation.

Yanni: So essentially, we’re trusting the process of life….

Heather: Exactly. So, to conclude, Joel’s encouraging us to contemplate: what is this thing called ‘life’? I know I’m in it; in fact, I am it. It’s the substance of all my experience. This leads us to the ultimate understanding that I am Awareness but I’m not a “person” who receives God’s blessings because only God – Consciousness – IS.

Yanni: Thank you. Heather. Shall we end with a short meditation? I invite you to be still in any way that has meaning for you. Thank you so much for joining us today. Ok. Let’s be still…

To hear the interview: https://youtu.be/xJuLmYMdgnk

For more information:

Heather – www.linktr.ee/mysticalmeditation
Email: mysticalmeditation@yahoo.com

Yanni – www.linktr.ee/yannicharalambouscoaching
Email: yannimindbodyandspirit@gmail.com


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