
  • The 21st Century New Age Alien-ET Agenda: poems and journalism

    1ST Pamphlet…………………..


    Poems & Journalism by

    Michael Dargaville

    Copyright (c) 2024


    By Michael Dargaville

    The two major forces of the worldwide New Age movement – official alien disclosure and deep spirituality – must rest on libertarian socialism.

    All three areas are entwined and are at the root of our current reality.

    Currently benevolent loving advanced galactic human aliens surround
    our planet in their spaceships. They are called the Galactic Federation.

    Our planet will be destroyed by bad reptilian reptoid aliens if we do not officially join the Galactic Federation.

    Governments are currently playing an extremely dangerous wait and see game (and have done so for more than 20 years)  because they don’t won’t to change the current basic financial structures of the  planet which are based on the super capitalism of thousands of billionaires and high end multi-millionaires. (more…)

  • Finally, a Major Official Government Announcement that Aliens are Here and Real

    By Michael Dargaville
    As someone who has contact with aliens/ETs it was great news that the Pentagon announced via a former Navy spy in June, 2023, that aliens are real and they in fact have their spaceships.
    Of course other major USA government organisations have said similar statements but this is so out there as it is literally leaders of the most powerful arm of the USA Government, the Pentagon, fully disclosing officially that aliens/ETs are here and we have their spaceships.
    David Grusch, the Air Force veteran and former high level military intelligence spy who fought in Afghanistan and later worked on alien/ET USA spy agencies has said a crash retrieval program where the USA government has been collecting intact ET vehicles that were not made by humans, as well as fragments of vehicles that have crashed, has been in existence for for decades.
    DO YOU GET THE PICTURE? Dear reader, what more evidence do you want? This is the government telling you aliens are here.
    Aliens and ETs are real. They are here and governments are doing deals with them.


  • Tribute to Sai Baba and other New Age Tales: poems and journalism


    By Michael Dargaville

    I was sitting in a dirty internet cafe in the utterly beautiful coastal city of Beihai in Southern China when a newsflash went out across the brain dead “mainstream” internet media that Sai Baba had died.

    I’d been living in Beihai in 2011 teaching casually and swimming in perfect surf beaches and generally having the time of my life.

    My first reaction to Sai Baba’s death was utter disbelief. It was commonly thought Sai Baba would die at the age of 96. Yet dying in the middle of his eighties was not figured into the cosmic equation.

    Sai Baba of course is the world famous Indian guru and holyman who had a following of nearly 100 million people around the world.

    However, within minutes I quickly realised Sai Baba had to die before 2012. 2012 was such a major event and Sai Baba had been the Spiritual Leader of Planet Earth during the great changes up until 2012. He was the Kalki Avatar. All around the world devotees wailed and cried, including me.

    Within a few days after Sai Baba’s death the world media had reverted to their daily fascism and misinformation. And the death of Sai Saba was just another distant brief news item. The bulk of the western media was utterly beyond humanity in its ability to promote war, support the killer billionaires that own most of the western industry and generally, completely, MISINFORM, on virtually all events. (more…)

  • A Plea to the World for the End of Western Fascism and for Alien/ET Disclosure

    By Michael Dargaville

    IF we are to judge western countries through their media we are led to believe that indeed the western world is consumed and controlled by fascism.

    Nothing, from the endless western  fascist wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, and Pakistan, to the army of right wing and fascist writers, columnists and “journalists” who tell us how good the West is, how good Hollywood is, to the formation of a one party capitalist western world (where western political “left wing” parties have been turned into voices for capitalism), is ever really mentioned in the western media. Can you see how a true western totalitarian state has emerged because there is no official MAJOR left wing/socialist/communist political parties in all the western world. The USA is a genuine one party capitalist state with both Democrats and Republicans virtually identical as super capitalist endless war parties promoting the 400 billionaires who control 99% of the USA.


  • “Practicing The Presence”. Conversations With Yanni

    Below is the transcript of the Youtube video: ‘“Practicing The Presence”. Conversations with Yanni’ Part 1. The link for the video is below.

    Heather: Hello everyone. It’s lovely to have you here with us. We’re currently studying the mystical book, ‘Practicing The Presence’ by Joel Goldsmith in our Online Book Study Group (the zoom link for the group and the recordings are in Description). In this series, Yanni and I will be discussing the spiritual principles Joel shares in this book, together with some thoughts and questions that have been asked. We’ll work our way through each of the chapters, and in this video, we’ll discuss the Introduction and Chapters 1 & 2.

    So, Yanni, would you like to ask me the first question?

    Yanni: Yes. Qu 1. “Why did Joel decide to write ‘Practicing the Presence’ [PTheP] and how do people relate who’ve had similar life, or spiritual, experiences? (more…)

  • Ramadan And Repentance

    Rabbi Allen S. Maller

    “We have indeed (started) revealing this (Message) in the Night of Power. What will explain to you what the Night of Power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand (ordinary) months. Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission, on every errand: Peace!… This until the rise of morning.” (Quran 97:1-5)

    The yearly Night of Power brings down the angels and  the Spirit to empower every action that humans engage in that empowers Peace: Peace within and between our families, our neighbors, our communities, our country and all humanity.


  • Culmination — Everything is Culminating on Earth

    by Van / Gabriel of Urantia

    I’m a reader and teacher of The URANTIA Book, and my public name is Van / Gabriel of Urantia. I had already studied and taught scripture of the Old and New Testaments in the Bible before finding The URANTIA Book. I have also been used as a vessel to bring through the continuation of The URANTIA Book, found in The Cosmic Family volumes. I consider as valid and sacred scripture:

    • The Bible, given by humans, which goes back possibly 6,000 years.
    • The URANTIA Book (referred to as the Fifth Epochal Revelation) and given by celestial personalities, who contacted a small group of humans as early as 1911, bringing through the actual Urantia papers in 1934 and 1935, with the book being published in 1955.
    • The continuation of those papers first being published as The Cosmic Family, Volume 1 in 1993 and continuing with several additional volumes, known as the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation.


  • A precognitive dream? Catford Town Hall

    I’ve had several instances where my dream of the previous night is somehow realized in the events of the next day. This is one from last night that has really got me thinking.

    To give context I SOMETIMES write dreams down, but not every night, maybe 1 every 2 weeks. Here’s what I wrote this morning (bold-ing added later): “On roof of some very tall building looking over city, good air is clean but thin. Then Im inside building, like Catford town hall but corporate building, Ive got to go to 96 floor, to work, or some reason, different set of lifts serve high floors, some run fast to floor 50, I get to floor 97 but don’t seem able to get to 96 even I push button. Seems pretty standard office, some youner workers pushing boy round in chair, manager sitting alone, wonder whether to ask like enquiry point, try again to get to 96 running late but not my fault, don’t actually get there.”

    Today I was sorting through some of my mother’s old papers ahead of a house move and I came across this certificate for her wedding ring from a jeweller with a branch at “TOWN HALL, CATFORD” (more…)

  • Libertarian Socialism as the basis of the Spiritual New Age Movement

    By Michael Dargaville

    The two major forces of the worldwide New Age movement – official alien disclosure and deep spirituality – must rest on libertarian socialism.

    All three areas are entwined and are at the root of our current reality.

    Currently benevolent loving advanced galactic human aliens surround our planet in their spaceships. They are called the Galactic Federation.

    Our planet will be destroyed by bad reptilian reptoid aliens if we do not officially join the Galactic Federation.

    Governments are currently playing an extremely dangerous wait and see game (and have done so for more than 20 years)  because they don’t won’t to change the current basic financial structures of the  planet which are based on the super capitalism of thousands of billionaires. (more…)

  • My Dear Other

    By William T. Hathaway

    Loving the other through mutualities of hurt,
    loving the other without understanding the other,
    groping in darkness to find the other,
    blundering towards and beyond the other,
    fleeing at the sight of the other,
    escaping from exile to greet the other,
    yearning for and recoiling from the other,
    two planets swinging in cross-orbit around the sun of our love,
    a sudden glimpse and then gone
    but ever returning,
    always affirming,
    Yes, this is our way,
    there can be no other.

    William T. Hathaway’s books won him a Rinehart Foundation Award and a Fulbright professorship in creative writing. His peace novel, Summer Snow, is the story of an American warrior falling in love with a Sufi Muslim and learning from her that higher consciousness is more effective than violence.