What Does Rich Mean?

Sufficiency means having food, shelter and clothing. Being rich can be defined as having considerably more than enough, both now and indefinitely into the future, without dependency on work or chance.

But humans generally need more than the material basics of food in their belly, a roof overhead, and a shirt on their back. They need to give and receive love, companionship, and a degree of fulfillment/purpose. Being rich is all these things. But can we all be rich?

Attracting Abundance and Resource Scarcity

The study of economics is based on the premise that resources are limited and scarce. If that’s so, it shouldn’t be possible for everyone to be rich. But the teachings of abundance suggest everyone can have all they desire, simply by adopting the right mode of thinking.

In actuality the universe is infinite, but at any one time the resources available to humans are limited. However, the human potential is powerful enough to create vastly more value from these finite resources than exists at that moment. So how come we’re not all rich?

Resource Distribution and Abundance

From birth we are each dealt a certain hand. The circumstances we are born into determine the resources we start with, and these vary widely from society to society, and within a single society. As well as the financial background of our family we are each endowed with a particular set of talents and characteristics. A crude analogy would be that our family’s wealth level determines our place on the starting grid and our innate talents the speed of our car.

But two further factors determine how rich we’ll get. First is how well we play the hand we’ve been dealt, ie our efforts and their effectiveness. Second is what’s generally termed “luck”, the range of external circumstances over which we have no control.

It may appear there is little fairness in the allocation of resources as many of the determinants are beyond our control. However the degree and direction of our effort does play a major role in determining our material success. Furthermore, from a Spiritual perspective our birth situation, talents, and the circumstances we encounter are not random but are pre-determined (partly by ourselves!) in order to provide necessary experience.

So the bottom line is you can become rich, regardless of your circumstances, if it’s what you really want.


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