People engage with the concept of Spirituality in many different ways and degrees of intensity.
Perhaps they are inspired by organized religion, or an unrelated Web search leads them that way by chance, a particular title catches their eye at the bookstore, they visit a psychic (from need, curiosity or both), they attend a Spiritualist meeting…
It’s not a question of whether we should be Spiritual, or how Spiritual we should be. We are Spiritual and can’t be anything else.
On earth, knowledge of our Spiritual essence is hidden or diminished. Most likely this is to force us to focus on our earthly adventures, and thus maximize the experience gained. Or perhaps part of our challenge is to rediscover our true nature (find our way home). Some are naturally more aware of their essence than others, these are the sensitives or psychics.
But we must each determine, consciously or otherwise, to what extent we acknowledge our Spiritual nature, and what proportion of our attention/effort it commands.
Our source is infinite, the universe is infinite, but as humans we are extremely limited. We exist in this form for a short time. There’s only so much we can do in a day, or a lifetime. We can choose to watch the game on TV or spend an hour in meditation.
There’s no right/wrong answer. We are (choose to be) born into this world for a reason. It is no less worthy to focus on earthly pursuits than Spiritual ones. Both paths hold equally valid lessons. Be guided by your inner instinct as to which is the right balance for you.
As a minimum degree of Spiritual awareness we should strive towards recognition of the illusion of separation and the oneness of all. Put simply, being kind to each other is being kind to the universe and ourselves.
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