The mind is an invaluable tool, our roadmap and compass through life and a window to our true being and the reality to which it belongs. Understanding the nature of mind is the first step to exploiting its full potential.
Modern science makes no distinction between body and mind and makes no allowance whatsoever for the soul.
The body is the physical shell we inhabit for the duration of a lifetime. It is a temporary overcoat that deteriorates over time and eventually and inevitably ceases to function thus setting our essence free to enjoy the next stage of its existence.
The soul is that finite part of infinite Spirit that constitutes us. It’s often used synonymously with Spirit, as in our spirit, ie the individuated piece of the source or Spirit that is I.
For some reason, perhaps to intensify the experience of life, our Spiritual essence is largely hidden from us during incarnation.
The mind is a particularly interesting part of the body-soul-mind trinity since a) it is, via consciousness, what constitutes our awareness, and b) it has access to, and serves as the interface between, both body and soul.
The interface to body is most immediate, it continually perceives the body’s every state -Â pain, hunger, contentment… But the interface to soul is just as real, via the ‘gut’ feeling, meditation, dream state…
The layers of mind/self
There are many layers of the mind, and self. Personality is the thin outer shell that faces external physicality. It is the mask we wear that both protects the inner self and hides its true nature. It changes frequently according to both circumstance and fleeting mood. Below the personality lies our acquired character, built from the sum of our experience to date. Though closer to our true nature acquired character remains fluid throughout our life. Our essential soul lies below acquired character. It is chosen before birth, unique to us, and remains constant throughout life. At our very centre remains the single eternal source from which we all originate and all eternally remain part. The source is the oneness of all existence physical and non-physical.
The illusion of individuality
Though we feel and act as individuals, our individuality is but the tip of a much greater iceberg. Subconsciously we share numerous common instincts, ie the stuff we just do without thought. It is also at the subconscious level that extrasensory perception (ESP) such as telepathy can occur. Below the subconscious lies the collective subconscious, this is our true essence, the source from which we originate and within which we are all one.
The degree of conscious control
Much of our lives are lived unconsciously, we just do familiar stuff on auto-pilot. The degree to which we exercise conscious control varies widely throughout everyday life. Conscious control increases when we venture into the unfamiliar, ie carrying out a new and demanding task, eg when we first learn to drive. Zero conscious control equates to being comatose. Even when asleep we are conscious enough to respond to sufficiently intrusive stimuli, eg the alarm clock or telephone. The elusive meditative/hypnotic state in which much Spiritual growth can take place lies between the “autopilot” and sleeping states. It’s particularly difficult to maintain as consciousness can so easily expand into mental chatter or diminish into sleep.
Superconsciousness, or higher consciousness, refers to that state of enlightenment in which awareness of one’s eternal place in Spiritual reality becomes part of normal consciousness. In this state we know that we are an immortal soul undergoing a finite physical incarnation. In realizing the ultimate insignificance of the commonplace we are, paradoxically, able to derive the most benefit from it, ie the lessons of experience.
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