Embrace Change

Sometimes in life we actively seek change. We are dissatisfied with our present conditions, or we are satisfied but believe we could be even more satisfied if some things were different. This is healthy, though the latter state more so, because it gives us purpose, reason for being. And he stronger our purpose the greater the energy we are able to find to pursue life to its full potential.

At other times we reach a state of contentment. Perhaps the prize of our focused efforts, alternatively the product of “pure chance”, eg a lottery win. The train is stopped at a station, some stations may be more picturesque than others but soon the wheels start turning again taking us to our next destination.

This state of contentment, some might call it “happiness” is there to be enjoyed. But therein lies a hidden danger, that we might resist life’s inevitable changes. When we find contentment it’s good to savor the moment and rest awhile from actively seeking outer change. But since change is ceaseless we might use these times to focus on inner change and development.

Change is an essential part of being. Without change the universe could neither have come into existence nor sustain itself. And neither could we in physical or Spiritual forms. The universe changes. We change, physically and Spiritually.

When change comes the key is to accept it and embrace it. By doing so we are able to shape our destiny rather than being wholly shaped by it.

The pleasures and pains of this world are transient. They come, they go. They are of no consequence. All that remains is the experience we gain and the lessons we learn. Without change you’d never have gotten out of kindergarten.


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