By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
Most people would agree we all want to live in a kinder, more humane world. A world where there is respect for human life, economic resources are shared, and the old and infirm are treated with dignity. In each of these areas there is room for improvement. Economically many are still without the basic necessities of life and go hungry. Even in the richest country on earth, often the sick go untreated.
Further most would agree, somehow, as a planet we need to work together to share our natural resources and improve our collective circumstance. It is at this point, when we try to identify and prioritize what areas need improving and how we are to accomplish this all, we start to disagree and things break down.
Rationale or linear thought is able to tackle some of these problems, offering possible solutions; however this form of thought is not able to solve all problems. It has limitations and, in some areas, is like the cart and horse that is without a driver and going around in circles. Generally, for problems which involve the needs of divergent groups, there is no balancing factor and the needs of one group bounce unsuccessfully against the needs of others. In situations like this, self-interest repeatedly rears its head and there appears to be no corrective. Many are slow to accept that the needs of the individual are bound to the needs of the many.
What is the corrective to this harmful self-interest? What factor reconciles the needs of different nations while sharing the earth’s resources in an ecologically sound manner? (more…)