Category: spirituality

  • Listen to Your Heart’s Wisdom

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    While we are living in unsettled times, it seems that many periods in human history have been that way. Consider this famous quote from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, authored in 1859.

    “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way.”  Charles Dickens

    Might not this description fit our modern life?  Add to this description an overlay of daily predictions of natural disasters, excessive drug and alcohol use, rampant societal depression, terrorists blowing-up innocents, civil unrest and riots across the globe, the failure of capitalism as a viable way of life and a general fear that the fabric of our daily lives is being destroyed.  (more…)

  • Filling My Cup

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    In the journey, there comes a point when words and desires are no longer important.  That is, there is no emotional attachment to them. All that is important is the Beloved.  Desire for everything else has been removed.

    It is at this point, the traveler arrives and the Beloved is within sight. However, for most, this is not a static condition. Because of the demands of daily life, the traveler fluctuates between this state and others. This degree of fluctuation is in proportion to the traveler’s position on the Path and the work he/she is required to do.

    -SB (more…)

  • Why the Many Religions?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Q:   If God/Light is One, why the many religions?

    The many religions exist because travelers and cultures are different; these differences in religious form exist to help people better understand who they are.

    In this matter, there is both an internal and external reality.  The internal reality is the spiritual experience of God/Light; for all religious forms, the closer you get to God/Light, the more this experience is singular. Externally religious forms differ; religion puts on different clothes because the climate and traveler’s need vary. (more…)

  • Meditations

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Beyond words and desires,
    There is an underlying Reality that unifies everything.
    This Reality and the method to perceive it
    Is the birthright of humanity.
    In their journey through this world,
    Most travelers become distracted
    And fix on all manner of things.

    In a sense these things become their reality
    And then have no need of anything higher. (more…)

  • Replace fault finding with good finding

    By Lt Col R K Langar

    Many of  us indulge in fault finding which may be out of sheer habit because what is happening in the society today is not worth any appreciation. But still finding faults in people or situation around us does not make us any wiser.

    Fault finding fills up us with negativity besides disturbing our peace of mind. Sharada Devi, spiritual consort of Sri Rama Krishna says, so what is most important is that we should not describe the faults in words even when we conceive them in mind. (more…)

  • A Guide to Psychic Readings

    Here is a guide to understanding psychic readings, what they are used for, what to expect from your first one and how to use it to make positive changes or adjustments to your life.

    If you are thinking of having a psychic reading for the first time, here are some things that you need to know. There could be many reasons why someone might choose to seek a psychic but it’s important to have clear expectations before you take this route. So what exactly is a psychic reading and how does it all work? Read on to find out more. (more…)

  • How Humans Use Animals

    Humans have a historically complex relationship with animals. On the one hand we use (abuse?) them as a food source, for experimentation in pursuit of knowledge (etc), and even as sport/amusement. On the other hand domesticated pets in many cases enjoy better lives than many people and we value them as our closest companions, eg “man’s best friend” is his dog!

    How we use animals is a subset of the humongous issue of morality, ie what is right/wrong and whether such ideals even objectively exist. It is doubtful that it is possible to give an absolute definition of morality since the concept differs widely between societies, individuals, and even within a single society or individual as time passes (as witnessed by the continual process of passing/amending legislation – the closest we have to a formal description of morality). The very asking of the question pre-supposes that humans possess free will, otherwise it would be pointless to consider. Given these qualifications I attempt to present a personal view of the matter. (more…)

  • Spiritual Traveler: Oneness of Creation

    This video presents a beautiful combination of music, ocean view and poetry.

    Video by Seraphine Sky; poem by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

  • Removing the Veil

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    You yourself are under your own veil.

    Q:  I have been traveling the road to higher consciousness for many years and it has been a long hard journey. Fortunately there have been occasional Divine Breezes along the way, but I cannot say I feel any closer to God for my efforts. Also, sometimes traveling gets so lonely and I wish I had someone to talk to about this struggle; can you help me understand, why the difficulty and mystery? (more…)

  • Action at a Distance

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff 

    Whoever is initiated by us and follows us and loves us, whether he is near or far, wherever he is, even if he is in the East and we are in the West, we nourish from the stream of love and give him light in his daily life.

    -Bahaudin Naqshband

    In this quote from one of the great Sufi masters we have a description of one of the natural laws of the universe. Action at a distance: this phenomenon describes how some objects can affect others, depending upon their relationship, at varying distances.

    Consider the effect of a young child’s hand magnet as it pulls along a paper clip or the gravitational effect of the moon against the ocean tides. On our planet, feel the warm, life giving rays of our sun, generating tremendous heat millions of miles away, and the electric tug, at our heart, when our beloved enters the room. (more…)