Category: spirituality

  • Spirituality & Social Change

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
    Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
    For love is sufficient unto love.
    -Kahlil Gibran

    Looking Back

    As I sit around watching my grey hair turn whiter, I keep seeing the same social and political problems occurring worldwide that I saw back on television 50 years ago when I was a teenager; of course back then my hair was dark brown. Yes a Lady Clairol dark brown: full head with luxuriant soft yellow highlights from the sun. OK. Maybe I am exaggerating a little about the amount of hair, but once I was young and full of expectation; concerning the possibility that spiritual learning might be the spark that changes this planet and brings us all together, finally. (more…)

  • The Decoys Of Caligastia To Keep People Away From The Fifth Epochal Revelation

    By Gabriel of Urantia

    I write this article on some of the deceptions that Caligastia historically has used and continues to use now to discredit both The URANTIA Book and the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation (found in The Cosmic Family volumes).

    Deception through decoy has been a major trick of the fallen Planetary Prince of Urantia (Caligastia) since his fall 200,000 years ago, beginning by aligning with Lucifer’s strategies of discrediting Michael of Nebadon and the finaliters in their universe plan of ascension, ministry, and administration. There are many references to the Lucifer Rebellion and the Caligastia fall throughout The URANTIA Book, with three entire papers focused on this particular system- and planetary-level deviation from the way of the Universal Father. Much deception was presented during the great heavenly debate that occurred in Jerusem in the first seven years after the inception of the Rebellion, which the fallen Planetary Princes took to their worlds. Many of those false concepts are conceptually alive today on Urantia. (more…)

  • The Secret Teaching: Selected Aspects

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff


    Since the beginning of man’s appearance on this planet, there has been a continual succession of spiritual teachers. This mostly, hidden chain of Masters, has protected and shared Spiritual Knowledge with those people who were capable of using it. Throughout the ages, the external form of this Knowledge has changed to meet the shifting needs of different societies and geographical regions, yet, internally all the Great Religious Forms are united in the Light.

    Some have called this Way of Knowing, the Perennial Philosophy, the Secret Teaching or the One True Religion. In ages past, it was offered by the Adepts in the Great Pyramid, it was the Gold of Alchemy, and in more modern times, the Wine that the Sufi becomes intoxicated with. Historically some of its exponents have included: Raymond Lully, Roger Bacon, Paraclesus, Geber, Albertus Magnus, St. Thomas Aquinas  and different Popes such as Pope Silvester II, just too name a few.*

    What is this Secret Teaching you ask? It is an inner spiritual knowing or experience of the Divine, and assumes an ever changing and evolving external form so we may understand and grasp it.  For our age, offered below are some of the key aspects of this  life altering elixir. Here take a sip of this wondrous, spiritual wine and may you grow closer to your true, lasting self. (more…)

  • Knowing Right & Wrong

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    On one level people want simple answers and to be told what to do.  On another, they want freedom to choose and make their own decision. People are multi-level and have the capacity to make their own choices as well as accept direction from others.  Discord sets in when the guidance from others or authority does not fit what the individual wants or feels is right for them. In this case, the individual is in conflict and looks for something else. (more…)

  • You Must Be the Change in a World Gone Upside Down

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Background Story

    Some time back, my wife and I stopped at the local diner for some lunch. When we came out of the restaurant, I noticed that another vehicle had hit our car, marking-up and scratching the paint job on the front bumper and left fender. Now we have had this late model car for about 2 months and to us this is our long awaited new car. (more…)

  • Will power completes the task

    By Lt Col RK Langar

    Various factors contribute towards completion of any task which we undertake. Out of these one factor which is common and most important for completion of our task or our duty is our own will power. Will power is defined as a positive and creative function of mind which impels, propels and enables a person to complete a chosen moral task despite all obstacles coming his way. Will power simply means ‘I will do it’. Will power can also be defined as our capability to avoid an amoral act however tempting it may be. Our problem of life is our inability to do things which are right and at the same time our inability to resist from things which are wrong. This is an aspect of an ordinary human nature which slides down easily because to raise oneself to perform a moral act requires through understanding and self effort. Some time we perform wrong acts on the plea that whole society is doing so. Such a tendency is due to our weak will power due to which we easily get influenced by the  will of the majority. We forget that to accept that majority is always right is a wrong belief. Obedience of social laws and our code of conduct should be perfect for developing our will power. (more…)

  • My Brother’s Keeper

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    If a small child stumbled
    Fell and cut her knee,
    Would you not bend over and try to help?

    Helping the fallen
    Is part of the basic requirement
    Of being a human being.

    Then why do you run away
    From all the broken ones
    Who call out for our help?

    Are we not broken ourselves?

    -SB (more…)

  • Four Basic Questions about human life and their Answers

    By Lt Col R K Langar

    The title of this article is based on Hindu philosophy or the Vedanta philosophy. The four basic questions related to a human being are one, ‘who am I’ two ‘where have I come from in this world’, three ‘what is the purpose of my existence or what is my role’ and four ‘where do I go when I leave the world’. The answers to these four questions are discussed in subsequent paragraphs. (more…)

  • The Great Controversy Between A Connection To The Forces Of Light Or The Forces Of Darkness

    By Gabriel of Urantia

    Many scientists in physics and in other areas of science are finding out that everything is connected. The micro/macro connection is from the smallest atom to the largest star. Great writers throughout history have written about this universal connection, such as Walt Whitman, who said when a leaf drops stars feel it. Since everything is energy, broken circuitry from the source of energy affects everything.

    For example, there is a small, battery-operated device that shows the significance of connection. It is a tiny globe of the earth with two points that need contact by human touch in order to give off a musical tone. As long as both points are touched by connected humans, it will chime. Two or one hundred people holding hands will cause music from this device, but if there is any broken place within the human chain of touching hands, the music will stop. I guess you could say that as long as there is a connectedness among humans, the earth sings, but whenever there is a break in human inter-relatedness and unity, the earth cannot sing as fully as it is meant to. Simply put, we humans are conductors of the Creator’s energy, physically as well as by thought. (more…)

  • Seeing the Illusion: Fear & Reward

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    “O my Lord, if I worship Thee for fear of hell, burn me in hell; and if I worship Thee for hope of Paradise, exclude me thence; but if I worship Thee for Thine own sake, with hold not from me Thine eternal beauty.”

    For the spiritual traveler, in order to unlock what lies beyond everyday consciousness, a period of preparation is required. For a time everyday thought patterns must be suspended so the traveler can experience what lies beyond ordinary awareness. In order for a society or organization to flourish, people are conditioned into believing specific ideas and much of the day is filled with these thoughts.  Because of the emotions attached to these ‘sacred’ ideas/beliefs, often the traveler is blocked by their external noise from going deeper and experiencing the inner, spiritual reality. (more…)