Making decisions is tough. It’s bad enough that choices in life are rarely clear-cut. Each option has its own (usually unquantifiable) pros and cons, and making a decision means accepting the cons of your choice as well as foregoing the pros of whatever you reject.
But to make matters worse making a decision involves estimating how your choice is likely to turn out in the future. You can’t even know what the pros and cons of your chosen path will be. The problem is, as far as we’re concerned, the future doesn’t exist. Each unfolding moment is filled with uncertainty. We can’t even say with certainty what tomorrow’s weather is going to be, never mind predict the big stuff waiting round the corner.
Faced with a seemingly insoluble dilemma many people abdicate responsibility and take the option of “letting God decide”. Perhaps they toss a coin, or consult an oracle such the I Ching, or just passively wait and see what happens.
And why shouldn’t they? After all God is supposed to be omniscient, omnipotent, and to love what He created in His own image. But God, Spirit, or whatever you may call the source from which we emanate, didn’t send us here for an easy ride.
We are here to experience, and to learn, as individual entities having the gift of free will. If Spirit were able to play out our every move, to gain the experiences we do, we wouldn’t need to be here at all. But Spirit is one, unity. The only way to experience the complexity that comes from the interplay of free-minded individuals is for us to temporarily, for the duration of this earth life, take on the role of separate and unique entities, each with our own agenda.
Most of the time we quietly drift along, the road is even, the landscape unchanging. But occasionally we all come to a fork in the road, when our free will is really called into play. At these points the road we take truly affects the experiences we will encounter and the lessons we will learn.
There is no right or wrong, good or bad path, for all paths bring their own experiences, and experience is the very purpose of our being. But the paths are different, and it is our responsibility to consciously choose, to the best of our ability, which seems personally right for us.
Listen to your head and your heart. List down the (apparent) pros and cons of each way; consider different scenarios of each choice – the most likely, as well as the best and worst cases. Visualize yourself in each. As you do this you’ll likely develop an inner feeling for each choice. Which produces the most positive (or least negative) feeling?
Paradoxically the seemingly hardest path usually yields the greatest experience, and thus serves the greatest purpose in both our personal and the universal development. But time is infinite, and we have unlimited opportunities to progress, and so there is no shame in choosing what appears to be the more comfortable way. Remember though, life comes with no guarantees; the harder road may turn out to be smooth, while the easy path may present many hazards.
Neither God nor anyone else can make our personal choices for us, but we may still seek guidance along our journey. Simply by making a quiet time and reflecting on our situation, maybe asking our Spirit guides or loved ones who have passed to Spirit, we will receive appropriate guidance. They cannot decide for us, but they can show us the most important factors to consider in making our decision.
That guidance may just pop into our head as we reflect, or it may come later eg as something that catches our eye on TV, around town etc, maybe in the form of a dream, or simply an inner feeling.
Making decisions is tough as forks in life’s road often have no clear signpost of how to proceed. At those times where we face key decisions we may feel lonely and isolated as we alone must make the choice. Through clear knowledge of our self and our goals, by listening to our head and our heart, and by seeking advice from the Spiritual realms we can make a conscious choice in the knowledge that whatever path we take will yield experience that makes our existence worthwhile.
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