Life isn’t always ‘just’. ‘Bad’ things happen to ‘good’ people, and vice versa. When stuff happens seemingly regardless of our personal choices/actions it can cause us to question our beliefs about the nature of reality. And in particular whether there is some purpose or meaning driving the universe.
Science has been incredibly successful at discovering and explaining the mechanism by which the physical universe operates. However, science itself in the form of quantum physics has shown there to be not just a practical but an absolute theoretical limit to our knowledge of reality. At the very limits of our understanding the fundamental building blocks of the world around us behave randomly. It is the huge number of such random micro-events that statistically give the appearance of determinism (cause and effect).
But what might lie beyond this impenetrable veil at the limit of potential knowledge? And how might ‘randomness’ at the micro level give rise to apparent randomness at the level of our experience? (more…)