Category: poetry

  • Going Home

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    “If you wish to know how something ends
    Look at its beginning.”

    The acorn goes deep into the earth
    And as the seasons pass,
    Grows into a mighty oak.
    Spreading its limbs for many years;
    Giving shade and nourishment to the countryside.
    One day, only to decay and return back to the ground.

    O spiritual traveler, when you close your eyes
    For the last time, where will you go?

    The twin sparks of energy
    That joined and exploded
    Inside your mother’s womb,
    Carry you through your days.
    Then one day this energy too
    Must journey forward to someplace else.

    Where will this energy take you?

    Remember, it was Love
    That brought you here,
    And it is Love that will carry you
    From world to world.

    One day, to return Home.

    Check-out my two books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream.  Both books are available through or local bookstore.

  • Bird Cage

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Like a captive bird
    The soul sings,
    Remembering its home.

    It is precisely
    For this song,
    The bird is caged.

    Check-out my two books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream.  Both books are available through or local bookstore.

  • Unseen Guardians

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    The balance between life and death
    Is O so delicate:
    A mere slip or twist while driving;
    An electrical blackout;
    An alteration in the balance of genes;
    Each can result in death.

    O spiritual traveler, why are you so haughty?
    Do you really believe
    You are master
    Of your own fate?

    Without the Guidance
    Of the Unseen Ones
    The flower of your life
    Would wilt and decay.
    They project the spiritual fabric
    Which holds together this world.
    Working in anonymity
    They are the Selfless Ones.

  • Prayer of Surrender

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    As the willow bends to the wind
    And the leaf curls to the rain,
    O Lord, I surrender myself to you.

    Lead me on the straight way;
    The Way of Thy Servants,
    The Way of Thy Grace and Mercy.
    O Lord, guide me through my life
    And guide me through this day.
    Help make me a better person
    Who helps self and others.

    O Lord, I surrender myself to you.

  • Death Call

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Gently, the ocean waves break upon the rocks;
    As an old woman rests
    Beneath the late afternoon sun.
    Sheltered under her favorite umbrella,
    Sitting in a worn beach chair.
    Listening to the ocean’s soft lullaby;
    Slowly, she raises her head
    And peacefully calls out across the water.  (more…)

  • How Many Times?

    I wonder how many times
    I have walked upon this planet.
    Certainly this is not my first trip;
    I am an old time traveler who has returned, building upon past vacations.
    Sometimes, I wonder why I put myself through this journey again and again.
    The flesh decays; sunshine turns to darkness and those you love pass away.
    Why return to this place of sorrow and tragedy?

    Yet, the heart whispers- because without bitterness there can be no sweetness.
    Without loneliness there can be no love.
    Without death there can be no life.
    All to be shared, over and over again;
    all to know the Creator, myself, and others more fully.

    Personally, joining in the action of creation- moment by moment.

    -S. Bitkoff

  • Poetry by Klaudia Rogowicz

    Open your hand…
    I see the light flying into the air…
    It is like a pigeon
    which lost its wings…
    You are safe now… (more…)

  • Poetry, Music and Spirituality

    Poetry and music serve no practical purpose towards our survival as individuals or as a species. Despite this, both occupy a huge role in our lives.

    “The pen is mightier than the sword”, wrote Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Though physical weapons may yield physical submission, the heart and mind are only hardened into opposition direction by such primitive means. Sticks and stones may wound the flesh, but words have the power to penetrate the physical exterior and affect the immortal soul within. A mere word, positive or negative, has the power to inspire or destroy – be it from a girl/boy to whom we are attracted, a boss, or potentially influential client… (more…)

  • Purpose

    by Michaela Sefler

    Likeness to eternal forms,
    by proximity adulated,
    freeing from bondage
    are the responses.
    body whole,
    in relation to a higher soul
    In final attempts,
    coming together
    two making complete,
    intent coming through
    as clear as breeze.
    Distance relative,
    at each point
    yet coming together in finality,
    constant in the creative force.
    Progress, are initial attempts
    in all areas
    at a single point.

    More poetry by Michaela Sefler

    Michaela Sefler is an metaphysical poet living in Montreal, Canada. Her poetry is spiritual and esoteric and her poems allude to ancient ideals. In her poetry she draws on  ancient writings, to convey a message of hope, and survival describing present realities in the light of ancient truths. She has six published compilations of poetry. Still true, A fortress in my heart, The sun is hot, Through the ages, and Seven stars., healing tree.

    Michaela’s seventh book To Summon Angels will be out in january with Redlead Press.

  • Healing Tree

    Michaela Sefler is an mystical poet living in Montreal, Canada. Her poetry is spiritual and esoteric and her poems allude to ancient ideals. In her poetry she draws on the Qabbala, and other ancient writings, to convey a message of hope, and survival describing present realities in the light of ancient truths. She has five published compilations of poetry. Still true, A fortress in my heart, The sun is hot, Through the ages, and Seven stars.

    Healing Tree by Michaela Sefler with Innercircle Publishing is now released. (more…)