Healing Tree

Michaela Sefler is an mystical poet living in Montreal, Canada. Her poetry is spiritual and esoteric and her poems allude to ancient ideals. In her poetry she draws on the Qabbala, and other ancient writings, to convey a message of hope, and survival describing present realities in the light of ancient truths. She has five published compilations of poetry. Still true, A fortress in my heart, The sun is hot, Through the ages, and Seven stars.

Healing Tree by Michaela Sefler with Innercircle Publishing is now released.

In this compilation, Michaela presents a series of poems that convey healing as a mystical state supported by an ancient system of faith and understanding, describing belief in a creator as the root essence of our existence.

She describes nature and spirituality as interconnected to contain a reality where possibility is actual . She  draws on ancient Qabbalistic knowledge, the poems are Inspired by esoteric work and knowledge, and are  illustrated with symbols to enlighten the reader.




Conceived and created

in God’s celestial realm;


in harmony and perfect outcomes.

A glimpse of light

a ray amid darkness

for man to grasp,

in a eeting moment.

The garden lled

with all God’ trees and creations

abundant beauty,

for us to know.

A g, inuenced by Jupiter

brings forth life,

a ruler over

love and divination.

The eagle a bird of Jupiter

a symbol of swiftness,

a ruler,

like the sun.

The oak, a tree

denoting stability,

mandrake a mystical herb

healing and purity in essence.

Grapes, inuenced by the Moon

mind strength,

fertility and ecstasy,

wealth and prosperity.

The deer swift and graceful


is the life

of the soul.







Maple, inuence of Venus

vernal equinox, a meeting at an only point,

much awaited coming

of success and fertility.

Willow, is the mourning of my captivity,

Saturn inuence of all spectrums

Onyx, a stone of rebirth,

tranquility denoting.

Elder, in Cancer of the Moon

life and death,

protection of the holy,

justice of consequence.

Ash, a tree of rebirth

linking of inner and outer worlds,

heaven and earth

bound and reconciled.

Beech, transformation

a passage from the past

old patterns return

new beginnings advance.






A dove, a symbol of peace

wisdom of the awaiting;

a messenger

of purity and new beginnings.

The deer swift and



of the life of the soul.

The crow, symbol of foretold destinies

darkness before creation,

known realities,

awaiting changes.

The phoenix

a celestial ruler;


from within.







To obtain, that which is longed for,

distinctness and uniqueness,

intentionality and expression of the soul,

achieved nally.

To succeed and to solve

to resolve humbly;

scales of justice

judgment returning.

A light shines

on a matter that is hidden,

in union,

life is begotten.

A new day

new beginnings;

closer in ability

are body and soul.

New steps


a whole,

giving of itself.





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