Poetry by Klaudia Rogowicz

Open your hand…
I see the light flying into the air…
It is like a pigeon
which lost its wings…
You are safe now…



I am a pale skinned human,
my brown hair surrender my eyes,
I feel the light inside me,
It starts to explode…
I am a free creature.
I can fly although I am wingless.
I can talk although I am mute.
I hear my thoughts although I am deaf.

I see God’s wisdom.
It is so close to me.
I am its part now.
I see the past and the future…
I am a light…

About Klaudia Rogowicz
I was born 5th of April 1987. I write poems, dramas and stories. I won lots of poetry competition. My poems were translated on Latvian and Slovenian. I published in lots of Polish magazines and in magazines for Polish people living abroad. I also act and sing. I like to sing old and folk songs, especially Hungarian and Polish ones. I’m interested in old Polish culture and culture of Hungary and Balkan penisula countries.


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